Dear Diary...

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Dear Diary...

Everything went through, flowing like water. People wanted perfection. They want to be spared from the pain. Sadly they never know what's been around them. Or even seen the beauty that they chose to be blind from.

I learned more lies. I uncovered many truths. My heart couldn't take it. But it still beats this very minute.

"I'm fine." is usually used as a lie when the truth is just that you're not.

"I'm just tired." when it's just that you can't take it anymore.

"Go away." when it's just that you wanted to know if he/she will stay for you.

"I'm just cold so I wear this." when it's just to cover your self-inflicted scars.

"I'm better, don't worry." when it's just that you have never been this bad.

"I already ate, don't worry." when it's just that you're starving yourself.

"I'm okay." when it's just that you feel like dying.

"I'm happy." when it's just that you've been hurt even more.

Why do people lie even more? Simple. Would you want to burden people with the truth when they can easily believe those lies? To live their lives worriless from our concerns.

We've all encountered pain. But not all encountered depression. We knew what it means to be alive. But some also know how to die living.

Are you worth it? Yes. Are you important? Yes. Is your life miserable? Only if you want it to be.

You accept pain like it's your daily dosage. You accept depression like it's your cup of water.

Happiness. Love. Care. Perfection.

That is what everyone desires. It's what they want in life. So one wonders, why do they accept the pain and not do anything about it to get what they desired? 

It's not because they wanted to. Circumstances made them that way. Circumstances can change us. Circumstances are also called trials. 

But people tend to give up. Giving up seems to be the easiest way to do it. To end it all.

'If one gives up, they never realize how close they were to their goals and wishes.' Quoted by an unknown, yet wise person driven through pain.

Oh diary, they've been used, they've been hurt, they've been cursed, they've been made fun of. 

I just want them all to know...No matter what. YOU'RE NOT ALONE. 

For I am a victim, and a victim knows what the other victims knows. 


Dear diary....Goodbye....

“All I know is that I've wasted all these years looking for something, a sort of trophy I'd get only if I really, really did enough to deserve it. But I don't want it anymore, I want something else now, something warm and sheltering, something I can turn to, regardless of what I do, regardless of who I become. Something that will just be there, always, like tomorrow's sky. That's what I want now, and I think it's what you should want too. But it will be too late soon. We'll become too set to change. If we don't take our chance now, another may never come for either of us.” 

― Kazuo Ishiguro, When We Were Orphans

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