Two-Faced (Poem)

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Put up the curtains, bring on the show

Don't forget your mask, it's time to glow

Walk in front and hear the applause

Speak fluently without a pause

What are you worried about? You're a master

No one knows the courage you had to muster

For you only have to show that one flawless face

As you stand alone on the dark and empty space

You've had years of mastery, is that a crack I see?

You fall on your knees like a fallen tree

Your mask starts to peel off its perfection

Is it a defection? Or a sign of salvation?

No matter how many hands reach out

None can actually touch or hear you shout

For the walls you've built traps you within your misery

Now look up. Can anyone even save you, two-faced Missy?

Onesoul, onestory, manylies.

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