Had enough

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Tick tock. Tick tock.

The ticking of the clock echoed through the room. It was the only thing that kept the silence at bay.

She wrapped her arms around herself as she sits up from her bedside. A lone, pessimist and pained girl. She has been through a lot.

Her parents were out that night. Majority of her friends, forgot her and left. But she found new ones and kept them in her heart.

She took away her covers and hugged her knees, burying her face on them and sighs.

They wont leave.

It's past midnight and her slumber was disturbed. They came back every single time.

She recalled what it was. The dark moonless night. Alone. Abandoned. Wretched death and slaughter.

She shuddered in fear. She wished that it will all go away.

Her phone vibrated on her nightstand, interrupting her thoughts. She reached out to get it.

There was a message from her closest friend. A smile crept to her face, she thought her friend might keep her company, like always.

Then there was a notification from her long time no news friend on an online website. She clicked on the notification.

There it appeared that her friend was doing the normal stuff. She messaged her friend. No reply. Even if the website said ONLINE. She was confused and checked again for any recent activity. There was.

Are you ignoring me?

She got frustrated and went to click on the message from her other friend earlier. Her heart sunked at the content.

'Hey long time no talk! I am just going to do this real quick. I am leaving and you can't contact me or message me anymore. I don't know how long I'll be gone. I just need to....finish some things. Your company was great, but I don't think its what I need right now. Talk to you soon. Bye! Love lots!!'

She messaged her back but didn't get a reply. Another notification popped up and shows her third friend's status.

'Im not coming back anymore. Hey, L, I know you're reading this. I just need a break okay? Don't message me cause I wont reply.'

She looked at the status in disbelief. All of them were leaving. All of them directed to her. They were leaving...

The truth punched her air out from her gut, twisting it in the process. Her only three new and closest friends are leaving. They are leaving her.

Her vision became blurry as her tears started to fall.

She then heard a click from the front door. Her parents must be home.

But the silence wasn't there. Instead there was clatter and grumbles and shouts. It didn't seem to be her parents....in fact it was someone else.

The door of the other room slammed shut, with a cuss behind it. The wall that separated them began to vibrate from all the pounding. She could hear the curses and punches from the other room.

She closed her eyes.

Its happening again.

She placed her hands over her ears and started to silently cry. She was scared. Beyond petrified. She couldn't take it anymore.

She had it rough with friendship. The first, it was fake and severed. Second, it was still fake and filled with betrayal. Now, its like history is repeating itself.

She's all alone once again. Like always. Everything just kept on going. Nothing stayed.

The only thing that did was her nightmares.

No more! No more! I've had enough of this!

She walked to her drawer and fumbles for her hidden blade. She took it out and fearlessly sliced her skin. She didn't mind the pain. All she wanted was for it all to end.

Her phone vibrated for the fourth time. This came from the guy who captured her heart. She stopped and went to check the message, thinking that he would talk to her and they would laugh about his silly jokes.

As she clicked on it. Her tears wouldn't stop.

'I found her! Can't you believe it! She was always with me from the start! Thanks for your time and kindness L. I can finally make her my gf! And Im taking her with me to my family reunion tomorrow. Hope you can be there! I want you to meet her!'

There was no stopping it. Her hands moved with no regret. With one last tear, it was over. Her last tear fell of her face as her body lay motionless on the floor.

This is the end. I can finally be free.

She smiled for the last time before her soul left her eyes forever.

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