Like or Dislike?

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“Beatrice! We’ll be late! Hurry up!” my classmate named, Kristel, yelled a few meters ahead of me. Wow that girl can run so fast.

“Chill, girl! We won’t be late, trust me,” I simply said and opened the door to the room where we were supposed to be ten minutes ago.

Everyone inside stared at us, including the teacher. Both of us froze on our tracks and I gulped. “Trust you, eh?” Kristel whispered and I gave her my apologetic smile.

After the teacher told us to sit and listen to his lecture about music. My mind was flying away to wonderland and I was imagining myself in the shoes of the girl I saw in the show last night. I didn’t realize I was away for quite a time until Kristel shook me.

“Oh Tricks!  Pay attention will you? Teacher was telling us to pair up with an opposite sex and talk about the songs he just taught us to be played together tomorrow. Who’re you pairing with?" Kristel gave me her big smile that shows her white teeth.

I sighed. “Oh right, pair. I don’t know. I hardly know any boys in this class.”

“Oh, if only you’d socialize and stop being so shy around boys, maybe you’ll actually get one friend and partner by now.” She placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head.

“Then who are you paired with, Kristel?” I asked, slightly irritated.

“My partner is that boy over there with the midnight color hair beside my chair. His name is Louie and he’s the smartest in class. But I don’t expect you to know that.”

“I know him, Kristel,” I said then rolled my eyes. “Besides, his name is always called when people can’t answer a question the teacher asked.”

“So you do pay attention?” She was grinning widely and I can’t help but smile at it. It’s contagious, trust me.

“Yeah, whatever, just go already. I bet your partner is bored by now, waiting for you. Tsk tsk tsk,” I countered and gave her a sneer with a little hint of playfulness.

She just snorted and shrugged. “Oh what am I going to do with you,” she muttered and walked away.

I sat on my chair facing the paper Kristel left for me. It was a paper filled with chords for Like or Dislike, a song that is translated from an original song in Japanese named, “Suki Kirai.” She really made a copy for me since I was not listening to the teacher. She’s such a great friend.

I sighed. Who am I going to play this song with? I scanned the room and probably everyone already has their partners while I stay the loner as always whenever Kristel is not at my side.

I was about to stand up to my teacher to request a three-man group when somebody stood beside me, blocking my action of standing up. So I stayed on my seat and glared at a pair of grey eyes that belonged to a guy whom I didn’t recognize.

“Sorry, mind being my partner? I came in late and I haven’t found anyone who could be a partner with me,” he said in a calm and composed voice. It sounded deeper than my other classmates so I figured he was a senior.

“No, I don’t mind. I was looking for one anyway,” I answered unusually casual and looked forward. He brought his chair and sat across me with a smile on his face.

I raised my eyebrow. This guy is strange and I didn’t find myself stuttering at him like when I talked with other boys. And, he had white teeth too at that. What’s with people having bright and white teeth?

“So, partner. Let’s start with introductions. My name is Neil Holien. I am actually a senior so we haven’t been in other classes except this one. What’s your name?”

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