The 7 Visitors

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Jasmine's POV

I roll over and feel something warm against me. When I look to see what it was, I stared in awe. Mark was laying by my side, sleeping.

...Damn he's cute... His hair... His face while he sleeps... His soft pink lips... Wait... What? Stop thinking that way!! He is your BROTHER!!! Not your boyfriend!!! But still... God!! I need to get up!!

Walking into the kitchen, I see JR talking with JB, while the thers are in the living room. I walk into the room and sit down at the table. I smile at everyone and they all smiled back. Mark walks into the kitchen, all cute with his bed head, making me feel like I was going to burst. He sits next to me and I try to hide my blush, but fail. I don't know what's wrong with me! Maybe I need to talk to someone about my feelings? Mmm maybe...

"Hey JR?" I say.

"Yea?" He looks at me.

"Can I talk to you in...Private?" I ask.

"Sure." He smiles, following me out of the room. "What's up?"

"I keep getting this weird feeling in my stomach whenever I think about or look at Mark." I say slowly.

"Can you describe them for me?" He asks, putting a hand on my knee.

"It makes me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach." I say.

He nods and smiles.

"I think you just like Mark more than you think." He answers smiling.

"Really? But... He is my brother..." I stutter, confused.

"He is not the one who signed the paperwork, I was, along with JB." He says, smiling.

"Do you know if he likes me too?" I ask, blushing.

"I don't know, why don't you go ask him?" He replies.

We walk back into the kitchen and Mark was now in the living room with the others. I look at JR, who gives me a nod, and walk over to him.

"H-hey M-Mark?" I stutter.

He looks at me and smiles.

"Hey Jasmine. What can I do for you?" He asks.

"Umm... Can I talk to you... Alone?" I ask, looking at the floor.

"Sure." He untangles himself from the others and follows me to the hallway.

"So... Umm... How do I say this... Ilikeyoumorethanjustasabrother." I stammered.

"What was that? I couldn't understand with you stuttering." He says, walking closer to me. "Can you repeat that?"

"Umm... I.Like.You.More.Than.Just.As.A.Brother." I repeat, looking at the floor. I look away and I could feel him staring at me, so I did the only thing possible... I ran.

I hear Mark, JB, and JR call my name as I ran out the front door. I ran until I collapsed in an alleyway. I could feel the darkness beginning to take over, so I just laid there.

"Hey guys! Check this out!" A voice yells from a little ways from me.

I soon heard footsteps running towards me, sounding like they belonged to 7 people. I open my eyes and see 7 boys running towards me. They were the Bangtan Boys.

"Hey... Isn't this one of the girls GOT7 adopted?" One of them asks,
I look up at the owner of the voice and it belonged to Jungkook. I tried to get up, but I was so tired.

"Hey, what is your name miss?" Jin asks.

"J-Jas-Jasmine." I replied, panting from running.

"Jasmine... I like that name." V says, smiling.

"Suga, do you still have Youngjae's number?" Rap Monster asks.

"Yeah." Suga pulls out his phone. "You want me to call him?"

"Yeah. See if he can come pick her up." Jimin says, looking at me.

Suga calls Youngjae and I could hear the other's voice since it was so quiet. J-hope helps me stand up once I am feeling better, and we walk out of the alleyway. I soon hear a vehicle, and when I turned around to see who it was, I seen a black charger pull up. The driver door opens and Youngjae steps out. He walks over to me and pulls me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

"Youngjae...I...Can't...Breathe..." I gasp for air as he lets go.

"Sorry. Why did you run off like that?!" He asks, his voice raising.

I've never seen him this angry before, and it was kind of scaring me. I took a step back, trembling in fear. Seeing me do this, he closes his eyes and sighs.

"Jasmine, I'm sorry. I just...I just don't want to lose you." He says, pulling me in for another hug, gently this time. "Everyone is worried sick about you... Especially Mark."

"R-really?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yes... I have never seen Mark freak out the way he did after you ran out." He smiles. "Come on, let's go home."

I hug the Bangtan Boys for helping me, then walk over to Youngjae, who is opening the car door for me. I slide into the seat and buckle up. He closes the door and walks over to the driver's side. After waving goodbye, he gets into the car. He drives off and I end up falling asleep soon after...

Mark's POV

After she told me that she liked me more than as a brother, I just stared at her...

Could this happen... I mean, I have started to get feelings for her too, but I'm her BROTHER... I'm so confused.

She looks at me, then ran away. I followed her to the kitchen and shout her name as she runs out the front door. I began to pace back and forth, freaking out, until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down Mark." JR says. "She'll come back... Don't worry."

"JR she could get hurt!" I said, my voice raising. "I can't lose her!"

"Do you perhaps... Like her more than as a sibling also?" JR asks.

"W-what?" I stutter at the unexpected question, making him laugh at my nervousness.

"You have never freaked out like this before... So I figured it was because you like her too." He smiles. "So... Do you?"

"Well yea, but... She is my SISTER... I can't date her... It would be too weird." I admitted.

"Who says?" JR asks me.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"Who says you are her brother?" He asks again. "You didn't sign the adoption papers... So that doesn't make her your legal sister."

I stare at him, not believing what he just said, then smiled as I hugged him. Just then, Youngjae gets a call from his friend, Suga. After the call ended, he stands up and walks out the door, gets into his black charger, and drives off.

"Wonder what he's doing?" JB says curiously.

"I don't know." I say back.

10-15 minutes later, he pulls back into the driveway. Since his windows are tinted, I couldn't see if he brought someone home or not. My eyes grew wide while I watched as he goes to the passenger side, opens the door, and leans in. I didn't know what he was doing until he pulled a sleeping girl out of his car. A smile split onto my face as I ran to the door to meet him.

"Jasmine! Where was she?" I exclaim.

"She was found by the Bangtan Boys in an alleyway, tired from running I'm guessing. Suga called me and told me where to go to pick her up." He replies, handing her to me.

"Thank you Youngjae!" I say, not wanting to cry from happiness in front of the rest of them, and take her to my room.

As I put her on the bed, I smiled. I'm going to have to take her somewhere tomorrow and tell her what JR said, but for now, we can just sleep. I wrap her in my arms, happy to have her back, and fall asleep.

Meeting Kpop Idols?!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें