High School

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Jasmine's POV

It has been 2 weeks since I was kidnapped. I just want to forget everything that happened there. The door opens and JR walks in.

"Time to get up and get ready for school. It's your first day." He says, then leaves.

That's right... It is my first day of high school today with Keera, BamBam, and Yugyeom. I get up and stretch, , looking at my outfit. I grab my clothes and walk into the bathroom, getting inti the shower. After my shower, I got dressed, dried my hair, and put it up. I walk down to the kitchen, eating as I waited for the others. The others came down and ate breakfast, then we grab our bags and leave.

We enter the school and I instantly was being pushed around by crazy girls that were trying to get near the two boys. I bumped into someone and turn to say sorry, stopping when I noticed who it was.

"V?" I say, catching the boy's attention.

"Hey! I didn't know you were attending this school!" He exclaims.

"Get away from him!" A crazy girl pulls my hair as 2 others started to kick and hit me.

"Stop it!" V yells, pushing the girls away from me. "Jasmine, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry so much." I reply.

After that, the day went by smoothly. I actually made a new friend! Her name is Lizzy and she is my age. We hung out at lunch and she is very nice. Once it was time to go home, she hugged me, gave me her number, then got into her car. As she drove away, she waved.

I had gotten a new iphone6 for my birthday, so I saved her number in my phone. Quickly texting her that it was me. I walked home with the other three, who were laughing and talking. I look up and see 4 familiar faces that I haven't seen in 2 weeks!!

"Guys!" I shout, waving to them.

"Jasmine!" Tao yells, running over to us. He hugs me tightly, then lets go as the others do the same.

Just then a vehicle drives by, stopping near us. The driver's window rolls down and the driver looks out.

"Come on guys! We have to head back!" The driver says.

"Hang on Kris!" Tao says back.

They each gave me a quick hug then went to the van. As soon as the door shuts, Kris drives off. We continue our way to our house, walking in and closing the door. The silence was unsettling, but when we walked in, we could see why. Everyone else was either reading, sleeping, or watching TV.

"Hey guys!" I say, sitting next to a sleeping Mark.

"Hey! How was the first day?" JR asks.

"Okay... I made a new friend though!" I exclaim.

"Who?" JB asks.

"Her name is Lizzy." I reply.

"Cool!" Jackson says.

We watched TV until it was dinner time. I walked up to my room, after I ate, to do my homework.

"200÷5•26-10+582=………" I threw my pencil down in disgust. This was my last math problem, but it was a word problem... I hate word problems...

"What's wrong?" Mark's voice asks.

"I can't figure out the last problem." I reply.

He steps forward and looks at the problem.

"The answer to the problem is 1612." He says.

I write down the answer, relieved that I was done with my homework. I lay back, closing my eyes, when I feel the blanket being laid over me. Mark kisses my forehead and then leaves.

The Next Day

Keera's POV

I wake up to someone nudging me. I roll over and open my eyes, noticing that I was face to face with JR. He was looking at me, smiling, before standing up straight.

"Get up. Breakfast is ready." He says, then leave the room.

I get my school uniform on and grab my bag. I walk to the kitchen for breakfast and noticed that everyone was awake now. The others 3 students and I walk to school and, as usual, my sister and I get separated from the boys by the crazy fans. I look around for my best friend, Wendy, and spot her sitting at the table with the other 4 members of Red Velvet. I walk over and smile at them, sitting in my usual spot... Next to Wendy.

The bell rings, signaling that school was about to start. We all went our separate ways, going to class. I walk into 1st period and sit next to J-hope from BTS. He smiles at me, and I smile back. The teacher walks into the room and the class begins.

The bell rang again, it was time for lunch! I walk beside J-hope as we left the classroom. I waved as he went and sat by his friends. I get my lunch and walk over to where my sister and the two boys were sitting. I sit down and smile at them, unwrapping my burger. We ate in silence, them started talking once everyone was done eating.

The rest of the day was actually fun! After lunch, V asked if Jasmine and I wanted to come over for the party, we both said yes of course. When school was over, Jasmine and I walked home with BTS since the boys had dance practice. Once we got there, there were party lights going already, flashing across human forms dancing to the loud music. We walked up to their bar in the garage and got a glass of fruit punch. After our third glass, we started feeling funny, not noticing Rap Monster shaking his head at us...

Rap Monster's POV

I shook my head as the two girls drank three cups of the fruit punch... Which was actually alcohol, fruit punch flavored alcohol. I nudged V, who was standing and talking to Jimin.

"I think you need to get them out of here before someone takes advantage of them." I say, pointing to the girls, who were giggling like crazy.

"Yea... Can they stay here?" He asks me.

"I suppose, but we will need Suga to call Youngjae and tell him about it." I reply, walking away.


"Suga!" I call out towards him.

"What?" He replies.

"The girls drank three cups of the fruit punch flavored alcohol and Rap Monster told me that they could stay here, but you would have to call Youngjae and let him know about it." I explain.

He nods and calls Youngjae.

"He said okay, as long as they are home tomorrow morning by 11." He replies after he hangs up.

I walk over and ask Jimin to help carry the girls to my room. Once we get them settled, Jimin heads back to the party. I said that I was going to stay inside and watch over them... I crawled onto my king sized bed between them and fall asleep with both of them curled into my sides... It was a goodnight...

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