Chapter 2

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Dear Reader,

If you have chosen to read this story with the hope of finding a simple and cheery tale, I'm afraid you have picked up the wrong story altogether. If you know anything at all about the unlucky Pines family, you already know that even pleasant events lead down the same road to misery.

In fact, within the pages you now hold in your hands, the Pines family sees the reappearance of a "person" they'd hoped never to see again.

I am bound to record these tragic events, but you are free to put this story out of your library and seek something lighter.

With all due respect,


Ford's POV

"Dipper?! Where are you?!" I yelled as I was looking for him in the woods, I noticed the sky changing into colors like red, yellow, and orange with a big X in the sky. I knew that Bill somehow found a way to get the rift from Dipper after he angrily ran off into the woods.

Suddenly everything turned black and white. "Heya I-Q!!" Bill said in a voice that sent shivers down my spine, "Boy, you look like you haven't slept in a week! But then again you probably haven't!"

"Where's Dipper at, you one-eyed monster?!" I yelled. I tried looking confident but I was trembling inside. I also wondered why he didn't come to me in person but that question will have to wait for later, but I also didn't want to give him the idea of coming to see me in person because then he could do who-knows-what to me.

"Oh pine tree?! He is somewhere where you will never see him again. And when I'm through with him he will never see daylight again."

"You give him back right now!" I yelled, "What could he have done to make you torture him?!"

"Oh Fordsy! You really don't understand, Pine Tree has done many things to stop my plans, and that is something that I WILL NOT forgive! Well see you later! REMEMBER! REAILY IS AN ILUSION, THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM! BUY GOLD! BYEE!" Bill replied in a flash of light before he disappeared.

I woke up, and started running towards the shack. I could swear I heard Bill's cackling in the back of my head.

Mabel's POV

The sky suddenly turned red, I could hear the all-too familiar laugh. Bill Cipher had gotten into our world, and worse, Dipper's not home. I already lost my parents, I can't lose Dipper too.

"Hey Grunkle Stan?" I asked scared it's been five hours since Dipper ran off into the woods. "Have you seen Dipper? He's been gone for a while."

"No, pumpkin, I haven't." Grunkle Stan said without care, "maybe he fell asleep in the woods."

"Maybe" I said with a little hope.


Grunkle Ford came in out of breath with fear plastered on his face.

"Grunkle Ford?" I said, "What's wrong?"

"Bill has Dipper." Ford said out of breath.

"WHAT!" Stan and I screeched.

"We have to save him!" I yelled

"I know," Grunkle Ford said, "but I don't know where he is, let me figure out where his is and then we can go save him, okay?"

"Okay." I reluctantly agreed.

"Well you better find out quick Pointdexter, 'cause I want to kick that triangle's butt." Stan said balling his fist up.

Mabel hasn't come out of her room for over a day...... Stan wants to check on her but I told him to give her time... now I'm not so sure that time is what she needs..... she needs love.... Stan and I went up to the attic and stopped outside her door.... she was talking to herself...

"Why did it have to be Dipper... why!!! he's my other half.... he's done and sacrificed so much for me and I've never done anything for him...... I'm going to make it up to him when we get him back...... Oh Waddles..... I don't know what to do....." Mabel cried.

We decided that it was time to check in on her..

"Hey Pumpkin, are you feeling ok?" Stan and I said at the exact same time. Mabel smiled when she realized that we said the exact same words at the same time.

"No... I'm not... Dipper's been gone for over a day and Bill's doing who-knows-what to him!!! he could be dead..... Dipper has sacrificed so much for me over the summer... and I haven't done anything to help him...."Mabel started sobbing into my coat. I caressed her hair.

"It's going to be ok... we'll get Dipper back and destroy Bill." I said.

"I know.... but what if Dipper is not the same.... what if he's different... or insane....?" Mabel stated dully.

"Look Mabel," Stan said moving her so she was looking at him, "You know when I had Dipper do all those chores, well, I did them to teach him to toughen up.. so when the world fights.. he fights back." Stan said firmly but softly.

"I know... I overheard your conversation with Soos when you were telling him. For awhile Dipper thought that you hated him." Mabel stated sadly.

I looked at Stan and you could see it in his eyes that he broke.

"What if Dipper's dead? or possessed by Bill again? I don't know what I'd do if he died... I'd never be the same..." Mabel continued sobbing.

"Mabel, we will get your brother back. I promise.." I stated with fake confidence.

"Don't make promises you might not be able to keep." Mabel moaned.

"Mabel, I'm not the best at keeping promises," I say glancing at Stan, "but I swear on my life that I will keep this promise."

Mabel didn't reply. she just kept sobbing and sobbing. Stan and I stayed with her until we realized she was asleep. we put her in bed and turned out the light and shut the door. Stan went to bed while I went down to the lab for the night.

A/N: sorry for another crappy chapter, but I do promise that this fanfic will get really good. :) this is also my first fanfiction.

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