Chapter 10: The Prophecy

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A/N: I'M BACK PEOPLE!!!! Ok so if you didn't know I was at a Christian camp called Horizons this week and it just ended yesterday...  THIS CHAPTER IS DECDICATED TO DisneyXD23

Q: Would I rather have a Lamp (a normal one) or a beanie?

A: Definitely a beanie. 

please post more Q&A and you can comment more than one question!

also for the two choices I gave you (The one concerning the Star vs. the Forces of Evil or PJO fanfic) they are TIED only two people have commented on which one they want me to do. So here's what I'm gonna do. whichever one get 100 comments for it first will be the one I will do (Don't try commenting it a million times cause I won't count that).

Dipper's POV

"Ok guys," Ford said getting serious, "I know a way how to defeat Bill, does anyone have anything that I can draw with?" Ford asked as he set his eyes on a jar of spray paint that Robbie had before it fell out of his pocket. "Ah! This is perfect!" Ford said as he started drawing a circle on the ground.

"Uh we got Bill outside, but I'm not sure how long we can keep him distracted." I said.

"Drawing a circle on the floor. Well Ford's lost his mind." Stan said in annoyance.

"My mind is fine. And we can beat him, with this." Ford said motioning to the circle.

"What is this? The most confusing game of hopscotch?" Pacifica asked in an annoyed tone.

"No, a prophecy, although it would be a pretty fun game of hopscotch. Many years ago, I found ten symbols in a cave. I do recognize some of them but some I do not recognize now. The native people of Gravity Falls prophesied that these symbols could create a force strong enough to defeat Bill. With Bill defeated, the weirdness would be reversed and the whole town could be saved. All this time I thought that it was fake, that it would never work. But seeing you all here now, I finally understand that its destiny. Dipper the Pine Tree, Mable the shooting star."

"A question mark. This could be unsolvable." Soos said. "Naw I'm just kidding my sweater matches the symbol."

"This is creepy." Pacifica said as she stepped onto the llama section while looking down at her sweater.

Eventually everyone found there spot.

"Everyone who is not standing in this circle. Get out! This is dangerous." Ford told the other citizens.

"Now all we have to do is hold hands. And it should work." Ford said as he took Stan and Robbie's hands.

We all joined hands. Suddenly we were spinning as everything around us was self-destructing.


It all stopped. The pyramid was putting itself back together and everything was coming back.

"WHAT!" Ford yelled in fear. "It's supposed to work!"

We realized that the circle was burning.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here!" Bill said laughing.

Bill destroyed the circle

"You know what's great?" Bill asked us, "You brought everyone that I considered a threat into one place!"

"Stand down Cipher!" Gideon yelled.

"Yeah! We're not scared of you!" Wendy yelled.

"You should be." Bill said before snapping his fingers making everyone, except Stan, Ford, Mabel, and Dipper, float into the air. When they were high in the air Bill turned them into hanging curtains, their faces were full of fear.

"Hey Pine Tree. Remember our little deal from a few weeks ago?"

"Y-Yes" I said worriedly.

"Well guess what!!"


"What you didn't know is that I CaN STiLl Possess YOU whenever I WANT!!" Bill said as he flown into my body.

Everything went Black.

A/N: ok so it's gonna be the next chapter that's going to be AMAZING!!!.... hopefully.

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