Chapter 11: Bipper's Return.

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This Chapter is Dedicated to @YamileSoto thank you for your voting!!!

REMEMBER!!! Q&A are still available so you guys can get to know me!!!

Mabel's POV

I watch Bill go into Dipper. He fell to the ground unconscious.

Well, until he got up.

"Oh Boy Pine Tree!! You've gotten A LOT stronger than last time I possessed you!!" Bipper exclaimed.

"Get out of him Cipher!!!" Ford screamed as he lunged at him.

"Oh no Sixer, this is between me and Pinetree and there is nothing you can do about it!" Bipper said stepping sideways so that instead of crashing into him, Ford fell to the ground.

"Now, who should I kill first?" Bipper looked around before setting his eyes on me, "I know, Shooting Stars always burn so let's see how long it takes this one to burn." Bipper said as he shot a fire ball at me, narrowly missing.

"Mabel!!" Grunkle Ford and Stan shouted at me as they ran towards me, well, until they got trapped in a big, blue, triangle cell-like thingy. I decided to run off to a hallway with Bipper at my heels.

Stan's POV

"Oh no! Mabel's going to die and we'll never get to see them again!" I after Ford and I had stopped banging on the wall.

"Don't blame yourself, I was the one who fell for all of his tricks. You would've seen him for the scam-artist he really is." Ford said as he stood up.

"I hope Dipper is gonna be ok." I said sadly.

"Me too.... You know what?  I'm done with all of this crap. I'm just gonna let Bill into my mind so that Mabel and Dipper will be safe."

"Hey Bro, my brain has no use so why don't we just switch places?"

"That..... Is the BEST IDEA you've ever had." Ford said as he takes off his sweater I notice scars of all shapes and sizes running down his arms and back.

"Woah, Pointdexter. Where on earth did you get those scars?" I asked

"Let's just say that dimension-traveling, and fighting leave their marks." Ford replied painfully.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you. And I'm sorry that I pushed you into the portal. We probably wouldn't be here if I wasn't such a stupid idiot."

"Stanley, it's not your fault. Some of these scars were from before you accidentally pushed me in, and actually, I want to thank you for making me a tougher man. If you hadn't pushed me in, I would probably be a big coward. So Thank you Stanley. Thank you for making me into a tougher man, and for getting me out of that stupid portal." Ford said with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, anytime. I was just doing my job as the big brother." I say laughing as we finish changing cloths.

"I'M BACK!" Bipper yelled before showing us what was in his arms, "AND I HAVE SHOOTING STAR! Alright Ford, your time is up. I wonder what it would be like to kill one of them just for the fun of it." Bipper said as a knife appeared in his hand.

A pine tree symbol appeared on his eye.


Shooting Star


Pine Tree

"Miney. YOU!" Bipper said before plunging the knife into Dipper's body.

"Wait!" I 'Ford' yelled.

I was too late.

The dagger got plunged straight into Dipper's stomach making him gasp and go limp. Bill left Dipper's body making Dipper and Mabel (who was still in Dipper's arms) fall to the ground.

"DIPPER!" Mable screamed with tears in her eyes.

"I'll tell you!" I yelled in defeat.

"Good choice." Bill said flying over to Ford.

"My only condition is that you let Stan and Mable live."

"Fine." Bill said stretching out his hand.

I shook it.

"HAHAHA!" Bill said before entering my mind.

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