Chapter 3: Where Am I?

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Dear Reader,

If you have not read anything about the Pines family, then before you read even one more sentence, you should know this; Dipper, Mabel, and the rest of the Pines family are kindhearted and quick-witted, but their lives, I am sorry to say, are filled with bad luck and misery. This entire story about this family are unhappy and wretched, and the one you are holding may be the worst of them all.

If you haven't got the stomach for a story that includes things that you couldn't possibly imagine, then this story will probably fill you with despair. 

I will continue to record this tragic tale, for that is what I do. You, however, should decide for yourself whether you can possibly endure this miserable story.

With all due respect,


Chapter 3: Where am I?

Bill's POV

"Looks like Pine Tree woke up from his little nap." I said "Now it's time to get the fun started." I say to myself. "Hm. Maybe I should change into my human form just to mess with him."

Dipper's POV

I woke up with a loud groan. Why was my head throbbing? What happened, where am I, and is Mabel ok? I tried to move around but I couldn't. I looked down to see a chain wrapped around my arms and legs. I then remembered everything. I looked around the room that I was in. There were paintings of Bill everywhere, but there were no windows. I tried to stand but my legs fell out from beneath me.

"BILL!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I looked to see a man with golden/blonde hair with black streaks appear into the room. He looked very familiar; he wore a Golden brick pattern suit with a black bowtie and top hat. He also has very sharp teeth that looks like it could tear someone apart.

"Aww looks like someone woke up from their beauty sleep." The man said with a cackle. "How do you like your new room, Pine Tree?"

"LET ME GO BILL!" I yelled at the top of my lungs after I realized that it was Bill.

"Now why would I want to do that? The fun hasn't even started yet! And believe me I'm going to love it." Bill said with a grin, "You on the other hand won't."

"W-What are you going to do with me?" I asked completely terrified.

"Why, I'm glad you asked Pine Tree. You see, a few weeks ago you put Weirdmageddon back by a decade-century when you 'defeated me' in the mindscape." Bill said using air quotes, "But now you accidentally started it! And I must thank you for that. But I cannot seem to forgive you for doing all those other things that you did." Bill explained with a laugh.

"B-But what exactly are you going to do?" I asked even more terrified than I was before.

A bright, blue, flaming whip appeared in his hand. My eyes went wide. He forced turned me around to where my back was facing him. The next thing I know is searing pain on my back.

I screamed louder than I had ever screamed before in my entire life.

Before I knew it, it was over. Blood was going down my back and soaking into my shirt which, thankfully, hadn't come off. I turned to look at my back but Bill was right beside me.

"This is not over. I will be back later, and every time I do it will just get worse and worse. I'm going to break you; no matter how long it takes." His voice sent shivers down my spine making the pain worse.

He disappeared into thin air.

I tried my best to curl up into a ball without my back touching the floor. I started sobbing.

A/N: Here's another chapter for y'all!! this will get very interesting  in this chapter and the chapter after the next!! please spread the word about this fanfic!! if I have up to 10 comments (you can't comment twice unless your responding to another person) by Wednesday I will post the next two chapters either on Wednesday or Thursaday!!


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