Xiumin's crush.

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-xiumin's POV-

I'll say it straight forward.

i like ★★.

★★ crying because of suho hyung, i watched it from the start till now. crying everyday in front of his house and in front of her house. i can't watch her crying anymore. Even yesterday on the street, i saw suho hyung and a women that seemed to be his girlfriend. It just got me really mad, i helped ★★ out of the situation.

"it's all your fault..." is what ★★ said to me. The moment she said that to me, it really felt like it was all my fault. Rather it is my fault or not, at that moment it just felt like it was all my fault. I told her that it is, it is my fault. ★★ started crying. The only thing i can do for her was to give her a hug and by her side. She stopped crying after a long amount of time, and i went into class. During the whole period, all i can think about was ★★. When she's with me, she pretends to be ok and smiles but when she's alone, she's probably really sad and tired.

I decided to call suho hyung. It was awkward because i haven't talked to him in a long time because of ★★. But i still had to ask and tell him things. "hyung, are you dating?" i asked. 

suho: ".....yeah."

I hated him because of the way he treated ★★, but the moment he said yes, i hated him more.I don't care if he's dating or not, but imagining ★★ in pain all sad because of him, it got me mad.

xiumin: "★★ is in a deep pain because of you. you've never been nice to her before." The things i wanted to say to him from before till now, it slipped out of my mouth. "when ★★ followed you around saying that she likes you, you never said anything nice to her. you always talked bad about her."

"......." suho couldn't say anything, but just drinked his coffee. after a long moment of silent, he finally started talking. ".... i get what you're trying to say. i'll think about it." then, he left. After sitting there alone for a long time, i came back home.

"what did i just do..?" as soon as i came home, i started regreting what i did. i was just lying on my bed, looking up at the celling, when a text message came.

suho-I get what you're trying to say. please tell ★★ that i want to meet her tomorrow.

That was unexpected, but i decided to go to ★★'s house. To tell her about suho hyung, and also because i missed her.


"Suho hyung wants to meet you." as soon as i said it, ★★ had a surprised face. but she also looked happy. ..i guess she still liked him, even though he made her cry so much. Feeling kind of disappointed, i was about to leave when she said, "hmph. you just come here to see joo-hyun and ji-hyun,right?" "No, i'm coming to see you," was what i thought, but i said, "aww, why? you want me to come to see you?" Instead of saying replying, she hit my head and kicked me out of the house. After standing in front of her house for a long time, i came home.

Next day, i  was leaning in my chair, telling ★★ where to meet suho. But i worried about her the whole day.What if suho says painful things to her again? what if she cries again? When it was dinner tjme, i decided to go over to her house, to see if she's back home.

........and ★★ was crying. again.

-★★'s POV-

i get it, no matter how nice suho oppa treats me, i always receive pain from him. It's the same situation as last time, crying. ".......?" i was crying, when i saw someone familiar.

-"......stand up." looking down at me, and helping me stand up. it was xiumin. without a word, he pressed the elevator button.


As soon as i arrived home, i got super tired. I walked in my room and layed in my bed. I just immediately fell asleep.

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