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Greek Legend. a poet and musician, a son of Calliope, who followed his dead wife, Eurydice, to the underworld. By charming Hades, he obtained permission to lead her away, provided he did not look back at her until they returned to earth. But at the last moment he looked,and she was lost to him forever.

I stare into the blankness... You'd think i'm looking at a wall or something plain and unimportant, but I'm not, I'm watching the world or at least a fraction of it.


There's an old, run down building near my house (it used to be a bank before it shut down), it's not locked there's just a few miscellaneous boarded up windows. No one knows I go there, that's mainly why I spend such a long time on the roof of that building, watching, wondering.

I guess I should tell you a bit about myself, so I'll say this, with the right people I can be the most smiliest, sociable person you'll probably ever meet but with the wrong or no one at all I'm quiet, a deep thinker and mysterious.

I used and still sometimes do find life mundane but I'm trying to change that. Really that's all you need to know about me for now.


You may think I'm weird, the whole watching thing, it is a bit strange. But it's interesting, you see things that others don't, you get good at noticing small details that normally no one picks up on. And i will leave you with that.


Thanks for making it this far I appreciate it, sorry I didn't really get into the story, I feel it is necessary to give information about the character first but i promise next update will be more informative and longer. I will aim to update every 2-5 days. So long and Goodnight xx

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