Power chords

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It surprised me how stunningly peaceful the bus could be when you're on your own. I sit there, contemplating and worrying about what's happening outside until finally, after what felt like a lifetime I decide to head off the bus and search for the others.

I rightly make my way to the Breakfast tent as that's what Frank had said they'd be. Just before the entrance I spot Rays frizzy curly hair, then Frank, then Gerard and then Bob.

"What's happened to Mikey?" I ask whilst approaching them. Gerard looks up at me, his eyes bright with anxiety.

"He dislocated his wrist" Gerard answers,

"It could have been a lot worse, trust me" Frank adds in the hope to try and make it not seem as bad as it was, he was right though, dislocations aren't to bad,

I nod, my arms crossed like usual...

" I just don't freaking know who will cover the show tonight!" Gerard says, resting his head in his hands.

"Yeah" Ray continues "they need to basically learn the whole album in just a few hours. We then sit there in silence thinking, hoping, probably praying that a solution would unravel.

"This is going to sound so weird..." I say, all of them look up at me.

"I, I, play guitar, Stratocaster, I know it's not the same as mikey's but I think I can match the all together sound and I already know the chords for your album"

Everyone sits there, not saying anything, none of the eyes leaving me, faces expressionless. I just stand there uncomfortably waiting for someone to say something.

"Shit Gerard, you have an impeccable taste in woman" Frank laughs, breaking the awkward tension.

Gerard smiles and watches me, scanning my face with his intense yet caring eyes. "As long as you think you can do it" he says.

Ray stands up with Bob, about to walk off when Ray pato me on the shoulder, smiling "Good job rose" before leaving.

Gerard and Frank just smile as I take a seat between them " How long will it take Mikey to fully heal?" I ask

"It shouldn't take that long but again it depends" Frank states

"Anyway tell me about this guitar thing" Gerard mentions...

and just like that my once mundane life felt so far away, like it wasn't the same life I was in now which was somewhat amazing.

Note- Hope you enjoyed reading, I really enjoy writing especially now as compared to the start of this story I feel like I've improved and just learnt so much from this and again thank you for following this! So long and goodnight xx
Getting Ready

After our conversation between Gerard, Frank and I we headed to the bus for a "jam" session which was really just a chance for me to go through the songs we'd be performing and practice for tonight. My stomach was a mixture of adrenaline, nerves, fear and excitement but the further we progressed through each song my nerves settled. Thanks to the supportive presence of Gerard and Frank's occasional jokes, i almost forgot what we were doing, it felt like any other time I'd hung out with them which I needed.

After a few hours, Ray, Mikey and Bob join us,

"How's it going?" Ray asks as he enters the bus,

We all look up from my guitar "Good, really good actually" frank replies, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. I just watch the floor, uncomfortable with all the attention.

"Mikey," I say, changing the subject in hope that some of the attention will be taken away from me, "Hows your hand?"

Mikey's gaze falls back on his hand, "Uh yeah, the doctor said it will be good in a few weeks" Mikey finishes,

We all nod, almost synchronised.

"Anyway, we only have 10 minutes until sound check" Gerard announces, breaking the silence that had developed.

"Ahhh, ok" I say, standing up and resting my guitar on the wall behind me "I'll just quickly sort some stuff out then I'm ready" by that I basically meant, I'll touch up my make up and make sure my outfit is okay.

After adding a bit of eyeshadow under my eyes and checking my outfit was 'suitable' we headed to the stage for practice.

Once there Gerard tells me it'll only take a few minutes, which it did once the guitars and drums were hooked up all we had to do is play a few chords whilst Gerard screamed into the microphone. Mikes watched us set up and I couldn't help but feel guilty, I know the band needed to replace him for now and that he understood that but I just couldn't not feel bad taking his place like this. Luckily after we'd finished amulet said we all looked good and even though he didn't see a lot of me playing it looked good which helped settle the guilt that I had previously been feeling.

We were all ready now, there was no excuses, we had to go out there tonight and blow the audience's freakin' socks off!

Note- You know the drill, thanks and I hope you enjoyed, next chapter will be the concert yay!! So long and goodnight xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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