Another Tour day

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I had to wear a lanyard nearly everywhere I went, it meant I had backstage access and would basically be allowed to go wherever the band went which was awesome like everything else.

About 10 minutes until the band was due on stage I made my way down to backstage and sat by some amplifiers and speakers a few people dressed in all black with headsets on passed me, some acknowledging me, checking I was allowed to be there and some just passing me, not noticing I was even there.

A little while later I notice Ray's curly hair and immediately stand up, I clap them as they walk closer jumping up and down slightly but it's clear the boys aren't as energetic as me. Gerard smiles at me, it's not his normal smile though, his eyes tell a different story. As they pass me the only one whose smile is actually convincing is Frank.

He pulls out of the line and quickly says "Don't worry, it's pre-performance they're always like this, you should see us after" then before joining back into the line Frank winks at me.I was starting to really appreciate Frank, his humour matched mine and all-round he was a super nice guy.


I had been to concerts before, most rock bands actually but none, none of them came close to this. Gerard, he knew how to work the crowd, he knew how to perform, so did Frank, so did everyone!

As I stood there in the stand, by the side of the stage I couldn't stop smiling but what made it even sweeter was that towards the end, before the last song Gerard winked at me with a smile so heartwarming yet mischievous at the same time, I felt like I almost, just faded away.

Frank was right when he said 'you should see us after' because damn were they energetic and excited when they came off the stage. Gerard looped arms with me and started pulling me with him without saying a word. All the boys were running, Frank just shouted "well done guys!"

Followed by Ray "yeah that was awesome!"

And with that we're just running, 5 boys with 1 girl racing through a field, all grinning, all loving life, all not giving a damn.

Note- Jesus, how many chapters now?! Thanks again for reading comment and like if ya want, what do you think will happen ey? Because you know what's coming next, party, party, party! *cringing* I formally apologise about this um... So long and goodnight xx

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