Lost Days

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I wake up still leaning against Gerard but now more in a relaxed position. I turn to Gerard whose eyes are still closed then look around the bus. Franks up making tea or some sort of hot drink as he's leaned over by the kettle. I watch him for a while until he turns to look at me and says

"Oh, so we're awake now are we" a cheeky smile spreads across his lips, I can't help but smile back.

"What are you doing" I ask yawning half way through.

"Making tea, want some?"

"Yeah" I nod before turning away to look at Gerard again. He looks so sweet asleep, so innocent and, well, just cute.

After a while Ray comes in to tell us we're only 5 minutes away, so Frank and I decide it's the right time to wake Gerard up.

"Gee" I say quietly next to his ear, shaking him in an attempt to wake him up which, after about a minute works.


We all climb out of what was starting to be become a very stuffy bus into an open field, tents scattered across it with the occasional lorry here and there.

"Here we are" announces Mikey before leaving in search of the coffee stand.

"Mikey grab me a coffee!" Gerard asks; Mikey, luckily not to far away.

"Me too" adds Frank,

"Make that three" I finish, just in time, as Mikey quickly disappears around the corner.

"So what now?" I turn on my toes to Gerard and Frank.

"Well, anything! There's parties, interviews, we're not performing till later tonight"

"Hold it, Rose be careful Gerard can be, um, well quite the little alcoholic sometimes" he points to Gerard mocking him in a way but one that's not offensive but funny whilst still getting his point across.

"Oh, are we now?" I cross my arms but in a sarcastic way, Gerard just looks at us both.

"Knock it off!" He then says before stepping forward "i like to have fun, okay, what's wrong with that" he raises both arms in the air as if he was asking the sky and not me or Frank.


Time goes by pretty quickly, it had been an awesome day, I met some singers who knew Gerard and Frank and was able to have conversations with them about some odd things. It was surprising how normal most of them were, singers/bands sometimes seem like there special individuals who are more superior than there fans when really the just normal people. Be it with really good voices.

I had spent the whole day with Gerard and Frank, listening to there stories or jokes was actually a lot more interesting than you'd think but it soon became time for them to be called on stage and like that, you saw them turn from normal boys to musicians.

To be continued...

Note: like always hope you enjoyed and see ya next update! So sorry update was late, writing for this story has really slowed down lately but i've got the holidays coming up so don't worry I'll get back into it, anyway... So long and goodnight xx

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