Frank You're Drunk

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There's already empty beer bottles dotted around the floor when we enter the tent. It is at that moment I realise what we're in for. Towards the back of the tent there's a group of people all standing what I can only describe as uncomfortably, loudly laughing. Frank notices me staring at the group and leans towards me, pointing at them hand already holding a beer.

"Stoners" he says

"Be careful Rose, you'll be surprised the drugs and alcohol people have"

Gerard notices our conversation

"Rose you'll be fine, you've got me" He interrupts jokingly, Frank just smiles in a nice way, resolving any tension that may have been there.

"Just saying, anyway- Can I get a beer please?"

"Rose, would you like anything?" Gerard turns away from Frank, who's now at the bar and faces me.

"Yeah, i'd actually just like a beer please" I say casually, admiring Gerard's now smudged stage makeup.

"Good choice" he says before spinning around to find the crate of beers.

"Thanks" I say after he hands me a bottle but then I am surprised at the sudden hand on my shoulder.

"Oh hey guys, Gerard I didn't realise you were on Warped tour" says an unfamiliar voice, I turn to face them, only for it to be Pete Wentz (I was going to say which band he's from but if you don't know I am disappointed in you, jokes).

"Oh my god! I'm such a big fan, sorry, hi"

I say cringely, all for first impressions.

"Hey, and you are?..."

"Pete this is Rose my girlfriend" Gerard replies, answering for me. I just nod, slightly proud at the fact Gerard had called me his girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you Rose" Pete smiles in a polite way before continuing "yes, ah, Gerard I needed your opinion on this thing..." before Pete walks away taking Gerard with him, Gerard turns and quickly tells me "This will only take a minute".

I mouth 'Got it' to Gerard as I watch him and Pete walk away.

Now alone i find refuge on a sofa in a quieter spot of the tent, after a few drinks a random person slumps onto the sofa. Although the lighting was bad I recognised the person, it was Frank but a wasted, drunk Frank who probably had no idea where he was.

"Oh hi Rose" his speech was a bit slurred and his movements were messy.

"Frank you're drunk" I say pointlessly,

"Nice to see you to" he replies cockily, smirking. Then he edges closer towards me, he stinks of alcohol but that's not the bad thing, he's trying to make a move or something. It's hard to tell as he's so intoxicated.

"Frank what are you doing?" I lift both my hands ready to push him away which I end up doing.

"Frank although I am a bit drunk I feel responsible for you right now, let's go somewhere a bit quieter so you can clear your mind a bit" I say standing up and pulling him up to.

Note: Sorry postings taking so long xx

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