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It's so much cooler outside and refreshing, the cold air makes my skin pinken slightly as I hastily walk down the field. I spot a bench on the outskirts, facing a little lake and aim towards there. Franks heavy as I half pull, half hold him.

"Frank what happened?" I ask breathlessly, I can hear distant laughter and screams coming from the array of different parties taking place. Frank didn't hear me, he's to focused on the distant sounds instead of me (insert word which means to not be focusing on where you are in a moment). I don't ask him again, I wait until we get to the bench; at least then I'll be able to shake him or something.

The sudden jolt from sitting down woke Frank up if you could say that, bless him he looks completely out of it but that least now his attentions on me.

"Frank what happened?" I repeat to him. However Frank just looks confused, I know he heard me but I don't think he quite knows what to say.

"Frank talk me through your night. What you have drunk or smoked or, well just taken?"

"Um," he stutters "I had one, two, uhh" he counts on his fingers until he stops at five and looks up at me with pleading eyes, he knows he's done wrong but it's a party. "I also had, uhh, this, uh pill thing" he finishes. I sigh before saying

"Frank why don't we stay out here for a moment, get some fresh air, away from all the noise" I wrest back, looking up to the sky expecting our conversation to have finished but then Frank says,
"Jesus Rose! You are so much like Gerard" his statement takes me back

"What do you mean Frank?" I ask, no longer facing to the sky but to my intoxicated friend.

"He just, i'm surprised Gerard isn't out here. He had a drinking problem for quite a while you know? Yeah, drank all the time, started some drugs-" he pauses then continues "but he's different now, got a different outlook a, uh... more artistic outlook."

"Oh my god, I had no idea" I say pretty perfectly, my voice wasn't perfetic I just felt like what I was saying was. Now Frank looks up to the sky, I copy him and look up.

It's a clear night, no clouds just glistening stars scattered around the sky like glitter on card. And we stay there, Frank and I although we're not talking I feel like we're telling each other more than our words ever could.

Note- Thanks for reading, hope you're enjoying the story so far, I really love writing it! Updates are slow at the moment so sorry but writings a long proses lmao. So long and Goodnight xx

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