New Perspective

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I nestle myself beside him in the corner,

"Have you listened to the song yet" he asks, looking at me with a questioning gaze.

"No, not yet" I roll my eyes slightly, although I like gerard, i just didn't want him here, not now. Yeah, i wanted to listen to the song, the one He gave me but, i don't know, it was that time of day where everything seems to annoy you and you can't help but question every little thing.

*Funny isn't it, after spending nearly a whole week to search for him, but again this was Gerard and I feel like no matter how close we become I won't fully understand him.*

"What are you waiting for then?" he looks down at my phone which I forgot was in my hands. Without thinking I slot my headphones (which were also on my lap) into the jack of my phone.

"Fine" I sigh, trying to seem disinterested even though I was actually bursting with anticipation...

And like that Gerard had changed me. My whole outlook, changed not only on how i saw him but my friends, my family. How, how did he affect me so much? What he said on the bench, that was so true, he did understand me and I, I felt like I was starting to understand him.

A single tear ran down my cheek after I had finished the song, Gerard wiped it away with his thumb whilst clutching my cheek. The song wasn't sad, it was emotional but my tears weren't of sadness. I just felt like it reflected us in a way that I couldn't quite describe. "Gerard that was...." I couldn't finish, Gerard just watched me, reading me. Then he finally rested his head on my shoulder. I copied him, resting mine on his shoulder. He was so warm and I felt so connected to Gerard; I can't describe that feeling we both felt but it was powerful like we were meant to be together, we almost fitted together. We stayed on the roof like that, just listening to the world for what felt like forever and for the first time in a while I truly felt like I belonged.

Note- Awwww, wasn't that just so cute! Thanks by the way, some of you are really following this and I appreciate it so much. Sorry, this one was shorter than normal but I will try to make up for it by posting earlier than usual on the next update. Like always hoped you enjoyed. So long and goodnight xx

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