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I smile at Gerard the brightest most genuine smile I can manage. He smiles back.

"Oh wait, I nearly forgot" Gerard looks away from me, his attention now drawn to one of his jacket pockets as he fiddles with it, clearly looking for something.

"What is-" before I can finish he places a pen down on the table and pulls out a notebook. I just watch him, intrigued by what he's doing. Gerard rips out a page and starts scribbling some words on it, he then looks up and hands me the piece of paper, he had written 'Clockwork'.

"It's a song, Palaye Royale, I thought you'd like it"

"Thanks" I say before tucking the ripped page in my pocket " Oh cool, I haven't heard of them before but I trust your music taste" I smile at him again, he smiles back but, then turns away facing the path behind him.

"Anyway, I'll see you around" Gerard says, hastily getting up then starts to walk away, "wait!" I yel. He couldn't just leave me like this, could he?

"Don't worry" he called back "You'll see me again"

And with that he was gone, again! Ugh, he was starting to annoy me, this whole mysterious thing, I just couldn't deal with it.


For the rest of the day I couldn't get Gerard out of my head, what was he doing to me? And that song, god, I needed to listen to that song!

Later that day...

As soon as I got off the bus I went straight to the Old Bank, I needed to listen to Clockwork and just get out of my head for a little bit.

But as I get onto the roof I notice a figure sitting by the corner, where I normally stay. "Gerard?" I call out, the person tilts their head up, it's Gerard but I'm not sure whether to be happy it's him.

Note- Yet again, hope you enjoyed feel free to listen to Clockwork if you want, it's not key to the story but it might help you understand it more, if that helps. Thanks for reading! So long and goodnight xx

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