A new dawn

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It turns out Warped tour was sooner than I had expected, it was a week away! Only a couple of days and then bam you're on the road, performing nearly every night, partying till your heart's content! I couldn't wait to get away from it all, my family, school, it would be nice to have a break and another positive was spending all that time with Gerard.

The week passes fairly quickly, the majority of my time was taken up by Sixth Form and packing. But finally it was Friday and I was all set to go; I say my goodbyes to my parents and go to the Old bank like always.

When I get there Gerard is not on the roof like he normally is but standing by the front of the Bank.

"Hi" I say whilst lugging my packed bag over one shoulder, he smiles and waves before walking towards me.

"Do you need help with that" Gerard asks once next to me.

"No don't worry it's fine, where do we need to go though?"

"Oh just down the road, a bit further, I live quite close" he explains tucking his hands into his jeans pockets as we walk together.


A large van like vehicle hides his house, I'm guessing it's the tour bus.

"Just here" Gerard motions to the door of the bus and follows me inside.

The bus is large for a bus but small for a living space. To describe it as simply as possible it's basically just a long corridor, at the front is a seating area, living room, I guess you could call it. Towards the back are some cabinets with a sink and small stove, then at the very end are the bunks - somewhere in between all of that is a bathroom.

We make our way to the very end, I leave my stuff on the top bunk opposite Gerard's. After I put the bag down, I turn to Gerard and hug him

"I can't believe this is actually happening" I whisper in his ear.

"Me too" he replies. Our moment together is short lived as Frank walks onto the bus and awkwardly stands in front of us.

"Oh am I interrupting" he says jokingly, Gerard and I just stand there uncomfortably before heading towards the door to the bus, shimmying passed Frank.


After about an hour we're all packed up and ready to set off. The only word I can use to express my emotions is apprehensive, I don't know what it's like to go on tour, I vaguely remember some concerts i've been to but that's it. I was nervous yet excited for what the future had in store.

Gerard had already introduced me to some of his band mates, I already new Frank, his brother Mikey was in the band which I thought was cool, Ray and then Bob who was pretty quiet.

Three of us are sprawled on a couch towards the front of the bus, I'm on the edge meanwhile Gerards in the middle and Franks on the end. Mikey and bob are hanging out by the bunks and Rays chilling on his laptop in the corner.

"You never told me what your bands called" I say breaking the relaxed, quiet atmosphere.

"Oh, My Chemical Romance" replies Frank leaning past Gerard in an attempt to see me.

"Oh cool name" I say nodding

Frank then nudges Gerard "You never told her?"

"I couldn't find the right time" he says in defense.

"He only told me about the band thing a few days ago, before dropping the whole Tour bombshell"

Frank leans back on the sofa arms crossed "Jesus".

"Anyway I need to check out your music, which album?" I ask while taking out my phone and earphones.

Ray, who had remained silent for most of our conversation looked up from his computer and said "Revenge, that's the album that we're going on tour for".

I stick both earphones in and select Helena, I sit there for the length of the song, arms folded, meanwhile Gerard and Frank watch me curiously. When the song finishes I take out my earphones and turn to them, an unreadable expression on my face.

"That was Freaking amazing, seriously guys, sheesh, i'm nearly crying" Frank and Gerard just smile. Gerard then wraps an arm around me, squeezing me tight.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Rose" he whispers completely ignoring Frank and kissing me gently on the cheek. His lips were soft and warm, comforting me as we lyed uncomfortably on the sofa. Then, like that, I closed my eyes and leaned against him not caring if there wasn't even enough space.

Note- Hey, hey,hey! I wanted to try and make this chapter longer as I felt bad leaving you with some short, rubbish, piece of writing lmao so, yeah! So long and goodnight xx

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