4 - Dancer AU

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*Length: 1246 words
Yuri is a ballet dancer, Otabek is a hip hop dancer. He spots Yuri in the studio one day and is blown away. They end up performing a beautiful, fiery pair dance.

Dedicated to TheAnimeQueenDuh for her amazing, funny comments on my books. 💗 Thank you so much!


Yuri leans against the wooden bar, lifting his left leg into the air. Flexibility is no longer a difficult feat for him. His leg is now pointing directly to the sky, as if it required no effort.

He lowers it down and raises the other one, stretching. He completes more exercises at the bar, playing a calm classical piano piece in the background.

Soon, he is all warmed up. He walks over to the radio and changes the song. The sweet sounds of Agape fill the room, causing his muscles to subconsciously relax.

Yuri doesn't hesitate to begin dancing. His arms and legs are one. Fluid movements of beauty and grace pour from his soul to his pointed toes. He twirls and spins, leaping into the splits.

Yuri internally smiles the entire time, but rids his face of emotion. He believes people are more beautiful when mysterious.

The studio doors open but Yuri pays no attention to the newcomer. He continues to dance, blond hair spiraling around him as he pirouettes. He was born to dance, and dance he shall.

The music comes to a fading stop, and the dancer slowly halts his movements. He pants, exhausted.

He looks over to the studio doors where someone recently entered. His eyes scan the room and land on a tall, raven haired boy. Yuri takes a step back.

"Oh h-hi!" The cheerful boy stutters out. Was he watching me the whole time?

The stranger waves. "Wow, you're a great dancer." He says with a deep, alluring voice. Yuri's breath hitches and he blushes. "Thanks," He exclaims. "Do you dance?" The stranger nods. "I do hip-hop."

Yuri's eyes light up. He was a dancer too! "Can I see one of your routines?" He asks. The stranger smiles. "Of course. I'm Otabek, by the way." Otabek walks over to the stereo. "I'm Yuri." Yuri says happily, skipping to the edge of the room to watch the tall boy.

Otabek plays a fast, robotic song. Filled with electronic sounds and waves, Yuri isn't sure he likes it. It's quite different than ballet music.

Otabek smiles and takes position. His shoulders pop in and out, arms executing sharp movements. It's mesmerizing. If you didn't know he was a person, you'd think he was a robot.

The tall boy continues to dance, jumping of the floor into a spinning leap. He lands on his toes, intentionally wobbling. The movement makes him appear mechanic.

He continues to dance until the song ends. Unlike Yuri's song, the music ends abruptly with the sound of wires popping and fizzing.

Yuri claps and grins. "That was so good! Wow!" He cheers. Otabek smiles and wipes a bead of sweat from his forehead. "Thanks." He winks, making the blond boy blush.

Yuri wants to slap himself. Why am I blushing? I just met him! He tells himself, cursing under his breath. Otabek chuckles. "You look confused, you okay?" He asks. Yuri huffs and looks at the floor. "Yup."

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