5 - Save Me

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* Length: 989 words
JJ takes Yuri to a club for the first time. Yuri has suspicions, but still ends up in a bad, dangerous situation. Otabek finds Yuri wounded and hurt.

WARNING: Violence.
(This chapter is actually really intense wow.)


"It'll be fun! Just let loose in there, Yuri!" Yuri's friend, JJ assures him. JJ gestures to the bar entrance. "Nah, I'm good." Yuri tells the brunette. But the king doesn't give up easily. "I'll go with you. Please? For me?"

Yuri sighs, not seeing much hope in fighting. "For ten minutes, and I am not leaving your side." He states. JJ claps his hands excitedly. "Yes! Yes! Beka would be so proud of you."

Yuri frowns. Only he called his boyfriend Beka. Ignoring his gut, the blond follows his friend into the club.

The colors and sounds are overwhelming. There's blaring music and tons of people grinding against one another. Yuri doesn't understand how anybody could enjoy such a wild environment. He loves skating because he can get away from stuff like this, not jump straight into it.

JJ leads the weary boy into the crowd, holding his hand tightly. But his grip begins to slip, and the short Yuri starts to loose sight of him. "Hey! JJ wait!" He shouts, fumbling after his escort.

Yuri kicks the person in front of him, causing the drunk girl to fall down. Yuri steps over her and searches for his friend. Silently cursing, he can't find him anywhere.

Yuri makes his way off the dance floor, looking around for the exit. Unfortunately, he can't even spot the darn exit. He slumps against the wall, ignoring when some people offer him drinks.

His eyes stare blankly at the wall in front of him, bored. How could he let himself into a situation like this? I should have been smarter. Yuri thinks to himself.

He feels a tap on his shoulder. He whizzes his head around at whoever dare lay a finger on him. But nobody is there.

It's only a matter of seconds that a large hand clamps around the boy's mouth, muffling his objections of surprise. Yuri kicks the stranger's shins, causing him to loosen his grip in pain.

Yuri takes this opportunity to run, but is cut short by another tall man blocking his path. Who are these people? And what are they doing?

"Move bitches, I come in peace." Yuri says flatly, hiding the fear in his voice. One of the men, with curly blonde hair, laughs. "Take him to the back."

Yuri's eyes widen, he fumbles between the two large men who each have iron grips on his arms. He kicks and kicks, but misses almost every time. Eventually the men grab his legs too, completely carrying him.

Yuri is strong, but one 17 year old against two seemingly college kids isn't a fair fight. Yuri screams, hoping to alarm somebody nearby. But everyone in the club is too drunk to care, some even laugh.

The blonde capturer kicks Yuri in the side. He hears a sickening crack. They laugh. They laugh? Hot tears stream down Yuri's face as the two drag him outside to the back of the club. I won't die young. I am Yuri Plisetsky and I will not die young!

His thoughts are cut off when he's dropped to the ground, knocking the air out of him. Yuri coughs, scrambling up to the wall and standing. "W-who do you think you are?" Yuri yells, furious but terrified.

The tall blonde man crosses his arms and walks closer. He opens his mouth to respond, but punches Yuri in the face with a swift movement. His lip now bleeds a thin trickle of blood down his chin.

"P-Please don't hurt me." Yuri begs, stumbling to the ground after being kicked over multiple times. The two men continue to kick, slap and punch the smaller boy until Yuri screams loud and clear.

The two men look around them, making sure nobody heard the sound. They smirk. "Nobody is here to save you, golden skater."

I am the ice tiger of Russia. Yuri tells himself, finding the strength within himself to stand. He rocks back and forth on his heels, almost falling down.

He's weak from all the wounds that now line his small frame. Grandfather would be disappointed. Yuri looks at the ground before falling onto his stomach, crumbling in pain.

"Hey!" A familiar voice fills the air, getting louder with the sound of footsteps. Yuri knew that voice. Otabek.

"Shit, move!" The two men say, running away out of sight.

Otabek's hands gently turn over his boyfriend, tears now staining both of their cheeks. "Oh my god, Yuri. What happened? Should I call an ambulance?" He asks, checking all the wounds on the pale boys skin.

"I'm okay." Yuri says weakly, coughing a puddle of blood on to the cement. Sobs wrack his body and he hiccups from the pain. "Why would they do that?" Yuri asks. Why do I deserve this?

"Shh, shh. It's okay. The ambulance are on their way. Keep your eyes open." Otabek speaks softly. Yuri was too dazed to even realize that Beka had called 911.

"I-I can't." Yuri whispers, his eyelids falling shut. "No!" Otabek shouts, burying his head into his boyfriends shoulder. Yuri fights to keep his eyes open. "Stay awake."

The smaller blonde coughs again, clutching his broken rib. "Thank you Beka." Otabek hugs Yuri tightly to his chest, making sure not to hurt him.

"Thank you for being okay." He says, tears hitting the top of Yuri's head. "Please don't cry, Beka. I hate to see you cry."

Otabek sniffles and wipes his tears. "Keep those eyes open." He reminds Yuri. "I will."

Red, white and blue lights begin to stream their vision as medics and police swarm the sight. The two hold each other in their arms as help approaches.

That was all Yuri needed to hold on.


currently reediting this book half a year later and my writing style had changed so much


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