14 - Nightmare

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* Length: 887 words
Yuri has a nightmare and Otabek attempts to comfort him. With Yuri's fears and insecurities, it isn't easy.

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Yuri sat under a tree, a novel in his hand. His eyes scanned the words displayed before him with ease.

The day had gone as normal, Yuri had went to the rink to skate. He was the only one at the rink, so he had the whole ice to himself. Skating made Yuri feel at home, it made him feel like he belonged. He often felt out of place, but at the rink he was free.

"Yuri!" A familiar voice called, making the reader's head perk up. Otabek kneeled in front of him. The blond smiled and looked up from his book.

He noticed that behind Otabek, there was Yuuri, Victor, Phichit, JJ, and Georgi. "Oh hey guys!" Yuri said happily, exited to see his friends.

But the skaters' expressions did not change, and all of their mouths remained a flat line, eyes dull. Yuri narrowed his eyes. "Are you all.. okay?" He asked, slightly nervous.

Victor chuckled in a cold way. His eyes locked with Yuri's. "We all know you're a pathetic skater," He said. The smaller Russian stood up and tilted his head. "Excuse me?"

Phichit grinned and strolled in front of Yuri. "You only won because of your selfishness." He whispered before fading into thin air.

Yuuri, who is always so kind, spat on Yuri's face. "I should have known you were an arrogant asshole." He snapped.

Georgi walked directly in front of Yuri and opened his mouth to speak, but slapped the blond across the face instead. Yuri snapped to alert and rose his fists, but they were held back by firm hands.

One word struck the strongest. "Weak." Otabek whispered. He released Yuri's arms and walked away.

Yuri knew he wasn't strong, but he wasn't weak either. Hearing those words slip from his lover's lips shattered him.

"W-Wait!" The Russian called, but his voice was drowned out by loud voices in his head.


Tears streamed down Yuri's face. What had he done? Why did all his friends hate him? These unanswered questions lingered in his mind, making Yuri hate himself more and more.

He leaned against the tree, his friends now out of view. He pounded against the bark, chipping wood off the oak. Yuri sobbed pointless tears and slid down onto the grass.

His worst fear had come true. His friends truly hated him.  Yuri shut his eyes and kept them shut, wishing they would never open again.

"YURI!" A sharp, concerned voice yells, waking Yuri from his nightmare. Sobs continue to wrack the smaller boys frame. Otabek holds him tightly while Yuri's tears stain his shirt.

"Shh, shhh, it's okay. It was just a dream." The raven coos, rubbing his boyfriends back. Yuri sniffles. "You-You hated me. A-And everyone left." He hiccups.

Otabek smiles sadly and cups Yuri's cheek. "I don't hate you," Yuri leans into Otabek's warm hand. "I could never hate you. The same goes for Victor, Yuuri, Phichit.."

The smaller boy relaxes at this statement, and closes his eyes. "I'm afraid one day you'll realize how weak I am." He mumbles. Otabek holds Yuri closer to his chest. "You're many things, but weak is not one of them." He says, voice laced with love and truth.

"R-Really?" The Russian asks, eyes twinkling towards the taller boy. Otabek nods while playing with a strand of Yuri's hair. He wipes the fallen tears from Yuri's cheeks gently.

"I've meet a lot of people. Old and young, happy and sad, quiet and loud, but none of those people compare to you," Otabek says, feeling Yuri relax into his chest. "You may be slightly arrogant. You might be a little more competitive. But those quirks make you you."  The boy cradled in Otabek's arms smiles, a blush painting onto his cheeks. "You deserve the world, Yuri, and it's my job to give it to you."

The blond boy smiles and sits up, now facing his lover. "I love you." He says. Otabek grins. "I love you too, kitten." He kisses Yuri with passion, silently pledging  forever. The is two's tongues collide, exploring each others lips. Yuri smiles into the kiss, feeling at home.

He buries his hands in Otabek's dark hair, fingers roaming the soft tuffs. Otabek sets his hands on Yuri's waist, deepening the kiss. He gently bites the bottom of the smaller boys lips, causing Yuri to hum in surprise.

After minutes, the two pull away. Otabek laughs, causing Yuri to do the same. "What?" Yuri asks, slightly confused. The raven shakes his head, smiling. "You're adorable, you know that?" He says, cupping the smaller boys jaw gently.

Yuri blushes and rests his hand on Otabeks. "I suppose I know now." He replies, cheeks tinted a shade of light pink.

The taller boy pecks Yuri's lips, lingering for as long as he can. "Forever?" He asks, but Otabek knows it's no question. "Forever."



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