27 - To Infinity

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* Length: 562 words
Otabek lets Yuri drive his motorcycle, and teaches him the basics. Of course, with fluff too.


Yuri had never drove a motorcycle. He'd ridden on the back of Otabek's, but never had the gut to steer one of the deadly devices.

Otabek had offered many times to teach him, but Yuri always refused, stating it was simply dangerous. Otabek's 18th birthday was coming up, and there was one present he really wanted.

He wanted Yuri to experience how wonderful motorcycles can be. Did he have an obsession with these bike-like-cars? Possibly. All Otabek knew was that he would teach Yuri today.

"But- But what if I crash? Or something?" Yuri questions nervously while his boyfriend clips on his helmet. Otabek smiles knowingly. "You won't."

Yuri fiddles with his hair as Otabek takes the motorcycle off its stand. "You'll be fine, kitten." He says softly, kissing the blonde's forehead. A blush forms on his face from the nickname, glancing around nervously.

Yuri sits on the driver seat of the bike, and lets out a shaky breath. When Otabek sits behind him his eyes widen. "You can't ride with me while I'm learning! Aren't I supposed to have a license? I could kill you!"

Otabek hugs Yuri's waist. "Think of it like a car. You've driven a car, right?" Yuri pauses. "Yeah." "Good. Imagine your driving a car, but with handles instead of a steering wheel." He explains, Yuri nodding in understanding.

Otabek gestures to the gas and break, pointing out other buttons and controls to the blonde boy. "I think I understand - but I still don't know if this a good idea."

"Remember, this is my birthday present cupcake." Otabek kisses the back of Yuri's neck, sending a shiver down his spine. "Don't do that! I have to focus." In reply, Otabek only does it again. Yuri sighs, knowing there isn't a point in arguing.

He sets a foot on the gas, and the two whizz off. Yuri screams and Otabek laughs. Luckily, they were on an open road that almost nobody ever came to.

"You're doing it!" He shouts over the loud, roaring wind. Yuri seems terrified, but starts to relax as he begins to get the hang of it. There's definitely a learning curve to steering motorcycles.

"I-I'm doing it!" He laughs, grinning a wide smile. His boyfriend shouts, "To infinity we ride!"

They continue along the long road until they wind up back in front of their house, Yuri's hair tangled in a thousand knots but he's too thrilled to care. "That was amazing!" He says happily, hopping off the vehicle to hug Otabek.

"I told you." Otabek says, chuckling. He wheels the motorcycle into the garage. Yuri follows closely behind, taking off his helmet.

"We should try racing sometime." Otabek suggests. Yuri shrugs. "Maybe. But I'd whoop their asses, it'd be too easy." The black haired boy laughs. "Yep."

"Hey Beka?" Yuri asks, looking slightly upwards at his lover. "Hm?"

Yuri sets his hands on the back of his neck, and pulls him in for a kiss. The taller boy responds instantly, kissing back passionately. Their kiss isn't filled with lust or pleasure, but instead love and simple happiness. Their lips move in sync, as one.

Yuri pulls away after what feels like forever, making Otabek pout. "Beka?" He asks. "What?"

"Happy birthday."


this one was short aaaah! i'll try to make mine 1000+ words from now on.


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