31 - Sick Fic: Reversed

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* Length: 718 words
Yuri tries to take care of a sick Otabek. But it can be hard for an angry kitten to be patient with their boyfriend.



Otabek coughs violently against the bed frame. He wheezes in the middle of the night, trying not to wake the sleeping Yura beside him. His attempts do not succeed, and a irritated Yuri is now groaning. "Can you be any quieter?" He asks, burying his face in his pillow.

Otabek smiles at his lover's familiar behavior. He didn't expect Yuri to show his concern, but he knows that the blond is actually quite worried for him.

"Would you prefer I cough on you?" Otabek jokes, making Yuri wrinkle his nose. "No! No." He says quickly. The raven haired boy continues to cough, his nose now a shade of pink.

Yuri opens his eyes to peer at his boyfriend. Maybe It's okay to help.. since he's my boyfriend after all. He thinks to himself. I can be a hero!

Yuri quickly shuffles out of bed with determination. Otabek sits confused as he runs out of the bedroom. The blond boy dashes through the house, grabbing medicine and pain relievers from the cabinet.

He returns to his lover's side quickly. He hands Otabek the pills and some water, who gladly takes them. "Thanks." The raven haired boy says gratefully.

Yuri smiles but it fades as he remembers something. "You have a skating competition tomorrow!" He exclaims suddenly. If anything, Yuri is more worried than Otabek himself. Though he tries to hide his concern, his boyfriend can see right through him.

"I'll be okay by then, I'm sure it'll pass." Otabek says with a light smile. He twirls a strand of Yuri's hair between his fingers. Yuri leans into his lover's hand and sighs. "Stupid sickness. Why do you have to get sick today?" He huffs angrily. Otabek chuckles. "I didn't volunteer to."

Yuri grumbles and looks around. "Well, what do you want to do?" He asks after a moment. "We could play a board game." Otabek replies. The blond rolls his eyes. "Board games are boring."

His boyfriend shrugs. "How about a movie then?" He suggests. Yuri nods quickly. "Yes! How about Jaws?" He asks, knowing it's one of Otabek's favorites. Otabek grins and pecks Yuri on the lips. "You know me too well."

The blond boy hops off the bed to turn on the TV, inserting the disk for Jaws. He claps his hands happily before snuggling up to Otabek in the bed.

"I don't want to get you sick." Otabek says, shuffling away from his boyfriend. Yuri only rolls his eyes and cuddles closer. "I don't care." He replies.

The movie starts, and Otabek is very intrigued into the screen. The two watch excitedly. But within the first fifteen minutes, Otabek is running to the toilet.

Yuri follows after quickly, rubbing the back of his puking lover. He sighs. "Want me to get more nausea pills?" He asks. Otabek nods silently.

As Yuri grabs the pills off the bed, he takes a thermometer too. When he arrives back in the bathroom, Otabek is seated on the outside of the tub.

Yuri's eyes hold deep concern as he sets the pills on the bathroom counter. "Open up." He demands as Otabek parts his lips. Yuri sticks the thermometer in his mouth, watching the number rise to 101.5. He pulls it out, frowning.

Otabek shoots him a conforming glance. "I'll be fine, kitten." He says. Yuri runs a hand through his hair. "No! You won't be! You have a competition tomorrow and I'm worried sick!" He admits.

Otabek stands up and hugs Yuri tightly. "If I'm not feeling well, I won't go." He says, making the boy in his arms relax slightly. "Okay." Yuri says.

Otabek scoops the nausea pills off the counter and pops them in his mouth while Yuri leads him back to the bed.

They plop down in their original position, but even closer together. Otabek clicks the movie back on. Throughout the film he coughs, but his pain is starting to subside.

Yuri falls asleep on his lap halfway through. Otabek smiles and blushes, wrapping his arms around the blond. He smiles and kisses the top of his head, closing his eyes too.




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