28 - Adventure

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* Length: 1020 words
Yuri and Otabek go on an interesting adventure.. um.. yeah..


"Faster!" Yuri groans. Otabek's breaths quicken as he tries to satisfy his boyfriend's pleas. "Beka, faster!" The blond boy groans.

"I'm trying." Otabek says, short of breath. "God, I'm so wet." Yuri says softly, voice faltering. His lover continues to move at a steady pace.

"I-I'm gunna f-" "Hold on!" Otabek warns his lover as it begins to get rough. Yuri grabs his own rod and pumps it in the liquid that puddles around them. Otabek slows down, exhausted.

Yuri laughs as the lake water brushes the side of their kayak, spewing droplets all around. Otabek sits in front of him, paddling along. The two are laughing while they splash each other with their paddles.

They are going kayaking, and are having a blast. Two hours have passed already, but they are having so much fun they decide to keep going along the river.

They talk as they float, chattering away. Time isn't a factor they're aware of. They are to engrossed in conversation to care.

"Beka?" Yuri asks. His boyfriend looks over his shoulder to the blond. "Yes?" Yuri ponders for a moment and looks around at his surroundings. "Do you know where we're going?"

Otabek's eyes widen. "I thought you knew!" He argues. Yuri slaps the end of the kayak. "What the hell, I've never been at this river!" He shouts. Otabek face palms and looks around. "Maybe someone nearby can help us..." But nobody is in sight.

Yuri groans. You'd think they could go back the way they came, but it's a lot more confusing. There were many twists and turns throughout the river. Neither boys have any clue which turns they took.

Otabek keeps paddling, surprising Yuri. "Shouldn't we turn around?" He shakes his head. "This river has to end somewhere." He points out. Yuri groans and helps his lover paddle to oblivion.

He glances at the sky. "Beka, the sun is setting!" He says, starting to panic. Otabek hides his fear and turns to look at Yuri. "We'll make it." He assures him, pecking his lips before turning back around.

Yuri blushes and calms down, now focused on paddling. They continue to go down the river. Determination is on their mind, but just how long can they paddle?


"One thousand, three hundred, eighty-nine bottles of milk on the wall, one thousand, three hundred, eighty-nine bottles of milk! Take one down, pass it around, one thousand, three hundred and ninety bottles of milk on the wall!" They sing as they float, trying to cure their boredom.

Yuri's arms burn, begging to stop, but he doesn't quit. His throat is sore from singing and humming but he bears the pain. He hopes they will arrive at a shore soon.

"Otabek! The sun is completely down!" Yuri says. He starts to shiver. The light of the moon reflecting on the water is their only source of light.

Otabek scratches the back of his neck. He shrugs off his jacket, putting it around Yuri's shoulders. Yuri blushes. "But now you're cold!" He pouts. The tall boy in front of him smiles. "I'd rather you have it."

Yuri hums once again, not complaining. He offers Otabek his jacket back many times, but the raven always refuses.

Another hour passes. There isn't the thrum of car engines, or lights of the city. Only the sounds and sights of nature surround them.

"We could just go in the woods and hope for the best." Yuri suggests. Otabek shakes his head. "So a bear can eat us? No thank you." He says. Yuri sighs and stops paddling. "My arms hurt!"

His lover stops paddling too. "Why didn't we bring our phones." He groans, wishing he could call someone for help. The two sit in silence, thinking about possible solutions.

"...we could scream." The blond boy suggests. "Yuri no-" "HEEELLLPPP USSSSS PLEAASEEEE!" Yuri screams hopelessly. No response. He sighs. The two are stranded.

"We're sleeping in the middle of a river. Smart." Yuri says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Otabek groans. "Have a better idea?" He asks. The small Russian shakes his head.

He closes his eyes. Yuri Plisetsky has done many things, but sleeping in a river isn't one of them. He has trouble sleeping with the unfamiliar environment. Yuri sighs and opens his eyes to see Otabek wide awake.

"B-Beka? Can we cuddle?" Yuri asks nervously. Otabek smiles and unclips from his seat, shuffling over to Yuri. He moves his seat forward to give them more space. Otabek sits beside Yuri, their feet dangling together in the water.

Yuri rests his head on his lover's shoulder with their hands intertwined. They close their eyes, trying to grasp any sleep they can get.

Before they fall asleep, the sounds of helicopter blades fill the air. The two blink blankly at the brightly colored vehicle. "Oh my god that's our chance!" Yuri shouts, waving his arms to signal the helicopter.

Otabek flails his arms too, almost whacking Yuri off the boat. "Here! Down here!" They shout, hoping their neon yellow kayak is visible.

The helicopter is about to fly out of view, but it turns around, heading in their direction. "Yes! Here!" Yuri shouts. The flying vehicle hovers above them, and a large ladder is dropped down.

Yuri pecks a kiss on Otabek's cheek. "We did it!" He shouts, climbing the ladder with no hesitation. Otabek follows shortly behind, making sure his boyfriend doesn't fall.

When they reach the top, they enter the helicopter. A person in a orange and yellow vest hands them headphones, which they gladly put on.

The two sit down and look at the interior of the helicopter. They notice that they are located in an emergency helicopter. This helps calm them. They are in good hands.

Yuri starts to laugh, making Otabek laugh too. Yuri's lips mouth words over the loud helicopter blades. "One thousand, three hundred ninety-one bottles of milk on the wall."


the beginning was for you dirty minded fish ;) I have no clue what this chapter was honestly


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