6 - Pair Skate

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* Length: 1469 words
Yuri and Otabek compete with a pair skate against Victor, Yuuri, JJ, Phichit, and other skaters.


Yuri swirls around on the ice while Otabek ties his laces. "The competition is in twenty minutes! Hurry up, we need to practice." Yuri exclaims, practicing his step sequences on the competition rink.

Otabek chuckles and finishes tying his skates, stepping onto the cold ice. "You're sure snappy today." He observes as the blond boy skates over to him. "Aren't I always?" Yuri replies.

The two skate with their hands interlocked around the rink, warming up. "Think we can win?" Otabek asks. Yuri shrugs. "Of course. Yuuri and Victor are our main competition."

The couple spots various other skaters, most in pairs. Phichit, Minami, Georgi, JJ, Chris and other skaters practice their leaps.

Yuri glides away from Otabek, preparing for a jump. He kicks his left foot out from under him and spirals into the air, preforming a quadruple axel. Yuri lands on one foot perfectly.

His lover claps happily, continuing to practice his own leaps. By the time the free skate is over, Otabek and Yuri feel well prepared.

They take their seats close outside the rink. They would be the last to preform, which was both a good and bad thing. They could study their opponents strategies, but feel more pressured to succeed.

"You can do this, Yuri." Otabek reminds the smaller boy, rubbing circles on the back of his hand. Yuri smiles and looks up at Otabek. "I know."

A loud speaker cuts through the arena, silencing all chatter. "Welcome to the 2017 Pair competition skate!" The announcer says, making the crowd cheer. "We will have some tough competition today, who's ready to see it!" The crowd roars in response.

Yuri's heart clenches in anxiety. The nervousness before a skate never seemed to go away.

He looks over to the rink. Yuuri and Victor swoop onto the ice. "Here we have Yuuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov, two excellent skaters! They set the bar high!" The exited announcer says as the two take their positions.

The pair whisper words of encouragement to each other. Their golden rings twinkle under the arena lights, eyes gleaming with hope.

Yuuri and Victor stand back to back, hands interlocked behind themselves. The music begins to play in a symphony of violin and harp.

Yuuri pushes away from Victor, his expression sad. Victor smiles and faces the other direction, waving happily.

Victor always wanted to tell stories through his skates, which is exactly what they were doing. The performance was meant to represent how relationships can feel different from the other persons view.

Victor spirals into the air, completing a triple salchow combination. He continues to smile, while his partner is skating in circles. Yuuri's arms display graceful, lonely movements. He jumps into the air, executing a quadruple salchow.

The two continue to skate on separate parts of the rink until midway through the song. Victor starts to come to Yuuri. His expression changes, now saddened at his lovers dread.

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