13 - Bigender (Part 1)

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* Length: 650 words
Yuri begins to discover he's bigender, but is very insecure about it. Perhaps Otabek can help him accept who he is.

Requested! Thank you.
I'll still be using he/him pronouns for Yuri,


Yuri looks in the mirror, his shoulder length hair resting flatly. He sighs, taking in his appearance. His eyes rake his body that's wearing a baby blue dress.

I can't go out in public like this, Yuri thinks to himself sadly. I wish I could. He frowns while taking off the dress, along with the bracelets that lines his wrists.

He changes into a suit instead, slipping on black pants and pulling his hair in a ponytail. Yuri stares back to his reflection. One day I'll wear whatever I want.

Yuri heads out his front door, exited for the Grand Prix Banquet. He hums while waiting for Otabek to pick him up. Thoughts rack his head. Why did I want to wear that dress? Am I even normal?

Yuri's snapped out of his daze by a familiar voice calling his name. "Yura!" Otabek says happily, taking in his 'boyfriends' appearance.

"You look so handsome." He says, winking. Yuri smiles but sadness is contained behind his eyes. Beautiful or handsome?

"Thanks." The blond says flatly while Otabek thrums the engine. The two whizz away in the direction of the banquet. When Otabek stops at a red light, Yuri buries his head in his back. He really had wanted to wear that dress. What was so wrong with it?

Otabek invokes a conversation while traffic gets bad, but Yuri tunes out. He's distracted today, thoughts of pronouns and genders in a mental whirlwind.

"Are you even listening?" Otabek says, but not in an angry tone. "Hm?" Yuri replies, eyes opening. The raven sighs, turning to face the road in front. "What's on your mind?" He asks. The Russian's voice softens. "Nothing."

When they arrive at the Grand Prix Banquet, sounds of cheerful conversation fill the room. Yuri's eyes dance from person to person, taking in their appearance.

He looks to the boys and their tuxedos, shoving each other playfully. Then he looks at the girls and their shimmering gowns, dancing with loved ones. Their hair is long, longer than Yuri's, and he envies them for that.

Otabek taps Yuri on the shoulder. The smaller boy looks up with curious eyes. "Follow me." Otabek says, leading Yuri to a corner away from the crowd.

"Talk to me Yuri. You're different today, different in a bad way." The raven says softly, speaking with affection and esteem. Yuri sighs, looking at his toes. "You'd hate me if I told you." In response, Otabek sets a finger under Yuri's chin and tilts his head upwards. "I could never hate you." He says, eyes worried.

The blond hesitates, unsure on how to speak his thoughts. "I-I... I-I'm bigender. I think." He says, ashamed. He must think I'm disgusting.

Yuri is shocked when soft lips meet his, moving in a way that says "I'm here for you." Otabek smiles and pulls away, taking Yuri's hands. "That's wonderful Yuri."

Tears of both sadness and joy fall down the Russian's cheeks. Otabek wipes them away, holding the small one close. Yuri hiccups. "I-I wanted to wear a dress b-but I was scared." He admits.

Otabek takes Yuri's hand and leads him out of the corner. He brings him outside the banquet and down the street to the parking lot. "Where are we-" "It's a surprise."


Yuri gasps at his new appearance in the mirror. Joyful tears fall down his cheeks when Otabek walks behind him, hugging the bigender boy deeply.

Yuri stands in front of the mirror in a baby blue dress, with a boy who changed his life in a way he could never forget.




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