20 - Highschool AU (Part 2)

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* Length: 747 words
Part two of the previous chapter. (The same summary applies.)



I smile as I put my books in my locker. But realization quickly hits me. Otabek and I have gym together. That means I'll see him in the changing room...

I push these thoughts aside and shake my head. I'm gay, but I've always been able to resist the sights in the locker room. What's so different this time?

I walk up the hallway to the gym and creak open the doors. I shuffle to the changing room with my clothes in my hand.

Some people shuffle away from me, not wanting to make any "sexual contact with the gay kid". I lightly smile, used to these actions. If anything, I'm glad these people just give me personal space.

I stand in front of my gym locker and start to change, keeping my eyes pinned on the floor. I manage to get my shorts on, but someone bumps into me.

"Hey!" I shout, clearly mad at whoever dare touch me. The figure only chuckles. "Settle down! It's only me." He says. I recognize the person as Otabek and smile softly. "S-Sorry!" I reply quickly, looking back to my toes.

But my eyes avert up slightly at Otabek's chest, that is lined with a muscular build. His arms are strong too, compared to my thin frame.

Otabek seems to notice me staring and laughs. "You okay? You're blushing like crazy." He says. My eyes widen, cheeks turning even redder. "Y-Yeah." I reply, turning away from him.

Otabek shuffles towards me and leans close to my back. "Did you like what you saw?" His voice lingers in my ear, whispering. His voice sends a shiver down my spine.

I turn around, but when I do so, Otabek is already gone. I blush even harder. Is he not straight? The thought is surprisingly filled with hope. How can he do this to me?


I exit the school, excited to get out of that hell hole. I whistle as I walk down the sidewalk, since nobody else is nearby.

I look down at my phone, about to play some music through my earbuds. But a tap on my shoulder makes me drop my phone, pulling the music from my ears.

I whiz around in surprise. I look up at the face inches above mine, realizing who it is. "Otabek!" My cheeks flush a light pink when I remember the events that happened earlier.

Otabek's eyes widen at my phone on the cement, he picks it up. He taps around on the phone for a moment, probably making sure it still works okay. I smile.

"I think it's okay." I tell him. He makes a final inspection before handing it back to me. "If I broke it I'll buy you a new one! I'm so sorry." He says. I shake my head. "Nah. It's not even your fault."

He lets out a breath of relief. I start to walk and he follows beside me. We strike up chatter, discovering we have a lot in common. We both used to ice skate, like cats, and enjoy the same shows.

"Do you live near here?" I ask. He nods. "Yep! Right up here." He points to a house across the street from us. I blink blankly.

"You're my neighbor!" I say, joy in my voice. He's my neighbor? Oh my god yes! My thoughts explode with happiness but I keep it all to myself.

"That's great! I'm glad I've got a friend close by." He replies. I smile widely, my eyes twinkling. He laughs. "You seem rather excited."

I shake my head frantically. "N-No! Well.. Kind of! But only in a friend way! Well.." I ramble on, but Otabek cuts me off. "It's okay, I'm glad too."

Before he walks up his driveway, he gives my hand a squeeze. "Check your phone." He tells me. I roll my eyes as he walks away. "My phone is fine!" I call to him. He hums while entering his door, waving goodbye.

I skip to my home next door and head inside, shutting the door behind me. I smile, remembering that he held my hand for a moment. Did that mean anything?

I plop down on the couch and click open my phone. I notice a new person added in my contacts.

Otabek Altin.


my legs are so sore from rollerblading aaah


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