8 - Ziplining

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* Length: 761 Words
Otabek takes Yuri to go zip lining, but Yuri has an extreme fear of heights.


Yuri sighs as the motorcycle continues to move at a swift and steady pace. "Where are we going?" He asks his boyfriend over the engine, impatient but anxious on what is yet to come.

Otabek chuckles. "You'll have to wait and see. But for our fifth date, this will be super fun." He assures Yuri.

After a few more minutes, the two arrive in a shaded parking lot. "We're camping?" Yuri asks, assuming from their environment.

Otabek shakes his head and clips off his helmet. "Nope." He locks the bike up. He notices Yuri struggling with his helmet clip but decides to not interfere.

"I-I can't get my helmet off." Yuri admits sheepishly. Otabek smirks and clips it off easily, kissing Yuri's cheek in the process. As if nothing happened, he scoops up his boyfriends hand and leads him down a thin trail.

Yuri blushes. "I could have done it myself!" He huffs.

The two walk in a comfortable silence along the trail. They spot various creatures along the trees, laughing as a squirrel tries to bury his nut in a rock.

"Do you like flying?" Otabek asks. Yuri seems taken by surprise at the question. "W-well no, I usually don't like heights, but the free food on planes is nice." He replies, smiling lightly.

Yuri feels more nervous after that question, but also safe, because he is with the one he trusts most.

"We're here." Otabek announces, letting his little dandelion glance around at their location. The two had climbed up a set of stairs and were now on a platform centered on a tree. Strong, thick, steel wires were attached to a pole going through the center of the platform.

Realization hit Yuri like a pork culet bowl with wings. "ZIPLINING? ARE YOU INSANE?!" He shouts, gesturing abstractly with his arms. Otabek, who is used to these anger outbursts, smiles. "You'll thank me later." Yuri's ice blue eyes narrow while he places his hands on his hips.

"I am not gliding down a forest, when I could fall down or hit a tree any second! You idiot, I'm not doing this!" He argues. His boyfriend cups the side of Yuri's cheek. Yuri tries to slap his hand away, but Otabek keeps it there firmly.

"The wire is strong, and there is no way you can collide with a tree while zipping down this. I'll be right by you, you'll be safe." He says calmly, looking into his boyfriends fearful eyes.

Yuri sighs, setting a hand on Otabek's shoulder and relaxing a little. "C-can we go together? I don't want to be sent down a metal rail alone." He shivers at the thought.

Otabek grins and kisses Yuri's forehead happily. "I've got a two person harness! You'll be on my lap, if you don't mind. Strapped in, of course." He tells the other boy. Yuri smiles with a slight blush, already clicking his helmet on. "Okay."

After the couple finishes putting on their equipment, Otabek double checks the harnesses. He clips himself and Yuri in. His lover lets out a shaky breath.

"B-Beka I'm scared." Yuri whispers. Otabek rubs circles on the blond boy's back, calming his nerves. "I was scared my first time too. Just take deep breaths," Yuri takes a large inhale and a big exhale. "Good. Just take in the scenery and enjoy the ride."

"I might love you, but don't you dare-" Before Yuri can finish, Otabek pushes off the platform and sends the two down the forest clearing.

Terrified, Yuri's eyes widen before shutting in fear. His boyfriend spots this in an instant, and quickly holds the smaller boy tighter to his chest.

After the first few seconds of floating, Yuri looks around at the trees whizzing by. He doesn't look down. He may be afraid of heights, but the ice tiger of Russia will never step down to fear. He grins and looks at Otabek, pecking him on the lips.

The two fly joyously for thirty more seconds. Otabek grabs a yellow handle to stop them when they reach ground level.

Otabek begins to unclip them from their helmets and harnesses. "That- that was amazing!" Yuri says loudly, a happy look on his face. His boyfriend looks over to him. "You did it." He says, a smile quickly growing.

"Damn right I did." The blonde replies, pulling the taller boy in for a thank-you kiss.




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