Ch 8 - Choosing

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At this point this is where it turns for good or bad. With so much on the line and everyone calm on the outside bit yet mentally are screaming on edge.

Speaking of which this is when the group splits up. Some go on coasters while others chill by the water.

Not so fun fact. As a kid I got injured riding a coaster. Never been fond of them since. Sorry if I'm a boring person.



With her ribbons back in her hair it was time for a twist of things. Shido had everything all planned out. It was time for the three of you to break the barrier of fear and head to the coasters.

"Hey Tohka?"

"Yeah Shido?"

"We're going to head on some rides."

"Is it okay if we stay by the water? I'm not too well on coasters." Yoshino said shyly.

You pat her head. "It's okay. You and Tohka got each other. Don't forget that."

"Yeah Yoshino. We have Yoshinon too. And we got the boat rides, food, and some other stuff."

Food. Naturally that was in there. But at least Tohka was forward about what she wants for lunch.

(Ladies I'm talking to you. Especially with my Ashley. Sometimes it becomes a debate.)

"Thank you Tohka. So nice of you." She smiled. Yoshino cute as ever gave her a hug. Cute little Yoshino. Definition of kawaii.

After that was all cleaned up you headed to change into some normal clothes. Everything seemed to be going well. Tohka and Yoshino seemed to have known what was going on. Maybe not to the full extent but noted family time was a must. But at the end of it all Shido and probably Reine were the only ones that knew all if not most of the details.

For some reason it took her 20 minutes to get dressed but no matter. Full steam ahead to the express lane so short lines to coasters. And on the of the first one it's a fifty foot drop and Kotori is quite nervous. But you realize that she's not worrying or stressed. Her head is being cleared and that's all that matters.

But you couldn't help but think of where hour white haired girlfriend could be. She was very on point as far as scheduling and time. As well as other things you couldn't explain because she just knew but couldn't elaborate. The bento box, locations, and other stuff. Even the locker room. All just bizarre things. But you couldn't help but miss her.

The coasters dropped and Kotori clung to Shido. But it was her favorite person to be around. Cause it was almost impossible to not like Shido. Unless you were jealous of the women living with him or you're the trio. The time thinking Cuz was hogging all the love treatment. You weren't wrong but it wasn't for you to say.

At last you finally got off the big coasters and Kotori was taking five after that.

"Okay give it to me straight. Who had that idea?"

You glare at Shido.


"Noted harem king #5."

"What Cuz?"

"Nothing. Nothing." You smirk.

"Look. Guys, today has been great. You took out your ear pieces and just winged it to have a good time with me. I'm having a good time."

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