Ch 24 - Isolate

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Miku is balling up in her new room you gave her as you walked out. Feel sad but at the same time angry. Funny how people react when you take away their authority. What now?



Walking out of the room and back in the kitchen the girls were shocked. They didn't see Sukie the one in undercover. Instead (FN) in a maid dress and his regular voice. With the voice changer and wig off they could see you weren't happy.

"What happened?" Asked Kotori.

"Well I 'sealed' her she is angry and super upset because her voice as a weapon isn't there. I told it was for protection and she slapped me. Now you know why I look like a drag queen. Now if you excuse, I'm in a bad mood, I'm chafing, and I'm taking a shower. And if ever see panties on this ass again I'll go mad." You step into your room to take the basket and walk into the bath slamming it shut.

"Woah. That's pretty." Kotori pondered.

"I don't like it when he's angry." Yoshino shook.

"Must have been pretty bad in there." Agreed Yoshinon.

"Shido what do we do?" Asked Tohka.

"I'm lost for words. I mean give her a half hour or so? We can't just barge in. It wouldn't help. Annnnd I should probably get changed." He blushed and walked off to his room.

"Love those legs bro." Mocked Kotori.

"Dear sister of mine I suggest you don't go there. I'm putting on pants." Shido too went into his room wanting the day to just come to an end.

"Wow. The guys aren't too good today."

"Agreed. They do not seem happy."

"Now if the twins can get it right something is really off. My cousin and brother are not themselves. And we haven't talked to Miku by herself yet. They are lining it up though. Are they not? We aren't sure what her story is. Just bad memories." Kotori was on the fly developing a plan for their new friend. Who to talk to and when. The time her boys would be able to talk to her. Matters at hand were complicated. The twins weren't down to Earth enough, Yoshino was young, Tohka not the best at clear understanding, and then their left Kotori. "I just might have to be doing field work with you girls."


You were in your room and put the ear piece back in after a shower. Something you needed. Also good to be back in pants again. No more concerns about the wind breeze. Then on your laptop in your room you saw the shocking truth.

"Tsukino Yoimachi... no way..." You put in an earbud and began to listen. Blown away by the teenaged girl's voice. Going through two and a half songs getting the right intellect. No doubt. But why under a different alias? Do I want search this up? I've gone this far. I don't want to know the bad news. But I have to in order to save her. A click here. Another click there. Just like a criminal record for a recent murder case it was there. "Oh my God! That poor girl..."

Outside the doorway Kotori replaced the ribbons in her hair from the black back to a white. Trying to look more cute. A lollipop too since she found out adorable is Miku's weakness. "Well guys I'm going in." Walking through the kitchen she took Yoshino's hand. "You're coming with me."

"I'll try to help." She replied bravely.

Both of them walk over to the other side of the house. The energy just felt bad as they approached the door that was open just a crack. Knowing they weren't welcome Kotori walked in anyway.

"I said go..." She looked up. "I'm sorry. I thought you were that slime." Miku wiped her eyes.

"We just wanted to talk. And Yoshino was so worried about you." Replied Kotori.

"Why are you sad?" Asked Yoshinon.

"Well he, he, sealed me away." She whimpered.

"Let me tell you Miku. (FN) is my cousin. Shido the other boy is my step brother. They helped us all get everything under control. To protect us. (FN)'s girlfriend from the AST is from a military organization. The wizards you refer to are DEM. They're crooks. They are corrupt and no good. I started my own organization to protect spirits as myself. Though I don't remember ever how on I became a spirit when I was little. We want to know more information as well."

Miku was surprised. "I... remember being turned into a spirit. By choice. It's because I lost my voice. And he took it away from me. It was my true happiness."

"You still got it. Promise."

"I want to hear you sing again." Nodded Yoshino.

"Even though he has a girlfriend does he hurt you girls?" Asked Miku.

"He's gentle. Helps us shopping and protects me. All of us." Yoshino confirmed.

"We love those guys." Agreed Yoshinon.

"So he's... not a slimeball?" Asked Miku.

"I sent him your way to protect you. We just wish to be friends." Smiled Kotori.

Miku got herself off the floor and onto the bed. "Thank you. All of you. For being here in my worst nightmares. This is truly amazing. Just give me time. I'm just afraid of men."

Footsteps could be heard from the hallway. "Miku!" You called.

Oh no! Too soon. What's (FN) thinking? We just got her to calm down. It's not the right time.

"Miku." You enter the room. "I came to have a few words. I'm sorry."

Miku was just confused. "Sorry?"

"Yes. I apologize for me being rude. I'm terribly sorry. I honestly want to give you the best hug I can but I know you're not comfortable with it. I'm begging you. Please. I know everything. I just want you safe with your well being."

"Dar; Darling."


What was that last word? Oh boy. More Splain to do later on. Only another chapter or two left. I'm happy the way this book turned out and will have more Date A Live works in the future. Very hard series to write.

As always I hope you enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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