Taking Money Ch. 5

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Chapter Five


The next day, I went to the mall. I pulled my dark brown hair into a tight ponytail. I wore a blue cap that had my hair sticking out in the back. I wore my favorite jeans with a V-neck shirt. I moved through the mall swiftly. I didn't even think about going into the store I robbed last night.

When I got into the jewelry store, I looked around. Nothing was in my price range. I sighed loudly, and left the store.

I walked through the rest of the stores, buying the things that I wanted the most. As I walked out of a dressing room, I almost crashed into someone. "Oh, sorry," I muttered.

"Cassandra Mullin," The man asked.

"Yeah?" I asked shakily.

"Come with me," The man insisted.

"No," I answered, pulling away from him. The man grabbed my arm though, and pulled me close.

"Don't make a scene," He growled in my ear, "Or someone will get hurt!"

"I'll hurt you," I snapped, trying to wrench my arm out of his big hands. "Who the heck are you?"

"Ian," The man answered, "And I need you to come with me."

The man gripped my arm tightly, and shoved me out of the store. No one even noticed that I was being taken against my will. Ian's finger held tightly to my skin, and I could just tell they were going to leave bruises.

Ian shoved me out of the mall, and into a white van. "I'm going to scream," I warned.

"Not very bright are you?" Ian smirked. He was right. I was panicking so much I was becoming stupid. I should have screamed earlier. I shouldn't have told him I was going to scream. All these things I should have done, I couldn't do now.

Ian got in the driver's seat, and sped out of the parking lot. "Who are you?" I yelled, "And what do you want?"

"My boss needs you," Ian answered.

"And who is your boss?" I growled, "What does he want with me? I didn't do anything, I swear I didn't."

Ian chuckled. "I'm sure."

I crossed my arms over my chest, and let out a loud huff. Suddenly I remembered my cell phone in my pocket. I slowly slid it out of my pocket and texted a 911 to my Mom.

Of course she texted back right away, and my phone ring tone went off. Ian looked back. He swerved the car over to the side of the road. "Give it to me," He growled. Ian jumped to the back of the car.

I kicked my leg up, and hit him right in the chest. As he held his chest, I turned around, and kicked the door open. Before I got out of the car though, I grabbed my cell phone. Ian grabbed my wrist. "I don't think so," He gasped.

"Get off of me," I snapped, ripping my wrist away. I started running down the street. I had no clue where I was, and no clue where I was going.

"Cassandra," Ian yelled. He had gotten out of the car, and was chasing after me.

"Don't call me that," I called over my shoulder. I continued to run, but started running faster. My leg hurt a little bit from kicking Ian and then the door. I continued to run though.

"Cassandra," Ian repeated.

When I looked behind me, Ian was flying in the air. My eyes widened just before Ian fell on top of me. I screamed to the top of my lungs, but I was soon being crushed by his weight.

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