Taking Money Ch. 19 (Part Two: Don't Get Caught!)

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! Can't say much, going to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" with my family! Good movie!

hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday:)


Chapter Nineteen

          My sleep was disturbed by the sound of the loud alarm clock on the nightstand. I sat up disoriented, and looked at the clock. It flashed 1:30 AM. You've got to be kidding me, I thought. "Come on everyone," Carson yawned, "Let's get dressed and go."

          So we all got changed quickly. I pulled on black leggings, and a navy t-shirt. I pulled my hair- the curls were loose- and the curls hung from a tight ponytail. I stood by the door, waiting for everyone.

          Carson stood behind me with a small mug of coffee in his hands. He gently pushed it into my hands, and then kissed my temple. "You need it," He whispered, "We don't want you falling asleep on the job."

          I gratefully took it, and gulped it down quickly. It didn't wake me as much as I thought it would, but now I was aware of what was going on. "Let's go," Carson whispered.

          We walked out of the hotel room with our heads held high. "12 to the right, 4 to the left, 7 to the right, 20 to the right," Thomas kept chanting over and over again. No one even bothered to ask him what he was talking about.

          I lead everyone into the alley behind the bank. This was our first destination. A bank. We weren't sure if the rest would be like that, so we kept on our toes. I gently opened the window, and slid in slowly. "Careful Cass," Kacie whimpered.

          "Kace," I smiled, "I'm fine."

          Kacie tried to give me a reassuring smile, but I could tell that she was really upset. She wasn't as used to this like Thomas, Carson, and I were. I didn't pay much attention to it though, so I let it go for now.

          Carson followed me, then Thomas, and then finally Kacie. I stopped short, and looked around. "Why did we stop?" Kacie whispered, after bumping into Thomas.

          "Thomas, did you find out about any alarms?" I asked.

          "Yeah," He whispered, "There should be one around here. How did you know that?"

          "Way to go bozo," Carson grumbled, "We would have set off an alarm by now if Cassie wasn't paying attention."

          "I hack into files," Thomas muttered, "I don't hack into banks."

          "Whatever," Carson snapped.

          "Enough," I hissed. I looked around, and saw a plant. I saw it on a movie before, so I thought I'd give it a try. I pulled out some of the dirt from the pot, and gently threw it into the air.

          Red lines appeared across the room, from wall to wall. "Ohhhhh Goooddd," Kacie moaned.

          "What should we do?" Thomas asked.

          "Get to the other side," Carson answered. Thomas shot him a glare. I ignored them all though, and thought hard.

          Finally, I could only come up with one idea. I pushed my sleeves up, and tied my shoes tightly. "What're you doing?" Carson asked.

          "Climbing under," I answered just as plainly as he answered Thomas. Carson shot me a look that said, 'I'm not stupid.' I just shrugged my shoulder, and laid down on the floor.

          "Cass," Kacie squeaked.

          "Kacie, hush," I ordered, "Do you want someone to find us?"

          "No," Kacie answered, "Sorry."

          "Wait," Carson said slowly, everyone looked up at him. "How do we know we can trust Cassie?"

          I sighed loudly. "I guess you don't," I whispered, "You're just going have to trust me." Carson sighed too, and just nodded.

          I took a deep breath, and then started to army crawl against the floor. Sweat had already made its way across my forehead. I had to stop, and take a breather. I didn't know if I could do this. I had never done this before.

          I started to lose faith in myself. Then Carson whispered, "Come on Cassie, you've got this. You're almost there. Don't stop." I gently nodded to myself, and continued.

          Before I knew it, I was on the other side. I slowly stood up, careful not to trigger the alarms, and turned them off. Carson, Kacie, and Thomas rushed over to me, telling me how great I was. I brushed them off quickly, because I wasn't going to let myself get distracted that easily. "Let's go," I murmured.

          When we were further in the bank, we saw a small safe that was partly aside from the rest of the safes. "This is it," Thomas muttered. "12 to the right, 4 to the left, 7 to the right, 20 to the right." Thomas slowly turned the knob on the safe, and then it was opened quickly.

          "Good job Thomas," Kacie smiled, patting him on the back.

          "Any more alarms?" I asked.

          "Just the Russian guy," Thomas answered, "He should be around here somewhere."

          Kacie nodded. "I'll make sure to stay alert."

          Carson quickly grabbed the money, and shoved it into his bag. They were hundred dollar bills, but there were many of them. We wanted them to stay together, so we just kept it all in Carson's bag. "Okay, this is what's going to happen," Carson hissed, "Thomas and I are going to go to the car, and get it started. Kacie and Cassie are going upstairs to pack our things. We'll meet you in the Lobby for check out."

          "Won't people be suspicious?" Kacie asked. Then her head snapped up.

          "What?" Thomas asked.

          "Shush," She hissed, and listened intently. I listened too, and heard the Russian man speaking to himself.

          "What's he saying?" I asked.

          "He's just grumbling about having the night shift," Kacie explained, "He doesn't know we're here yet."

          "Then let's get out of here," Carson nodded. He held the bag close to his chest, and headed towards the window. As we rounded the corner, the Russian man noticed us though. "Go, go, go," Carson yelled.

          The man started yelling in Russian. "Go," Kacie shrieked, "He's calling the dogs."

          "Dogs?" Thomas squeaked.

          "You didn't know about the dogs," Carson yelled, "What're you here for?"

          "I got you into the safe, didn't I?" Thomas yelled.

          "Just go," I snapped. Everyone rushed out the window as the dogs came barreling towards us. "Kacie," I said, "Do you know any commands in Russian?"

          "I'm panicking," She answered, "I can't think!"

          "Alright," I sighed, "Just get out."

          I pushed her further out the window. Just as I was about to climb through, a dog grabbed onto my leg. It sank it's teeth into my skin, and tried to pull me further the bank. "Cass," Kacie yelled.

          "Hush," I commanded, fighting off the dog and the pain.

          I looked down, and all I saw was blood. Then I tried to focus my eyes again. I saw another dog, and the Russian man coming closer. I gripped the window sill tightly. A big hand reached out, and I grabbed it tightly. I was pulled out, and so was the dog. Someone kicked the dog, and it let go. Than everything went black.

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