Taking Money Ch. 6

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Chapter Six


As Thomas walked down the street, he noticed something weird. The street was deserted. It wasn't like it was early in the morning. Thomas was on his way home from school. He had his book bag slung over his shoulder with about a hundred dollars in it. He had his books in there too, but that wasn't important to him. All that was important was the lap top that he carried everywhere and the hundred dollars in his bag. Though those things didn't distract Thomas.

Something was following Thomas. He looked around, and saw a white van behind him. Thomas walked faster. When he looked back, he saw that the car was driving faster. Then the car drove faster, and stopped in front of Thomas. A man was in the driver's seat, and a woman opened the back door. "Thomas Kinkle?" The woman asked.

"Um, yeah," Thomas said uncertainly.

"Get him," The guy in the front ordered. The woman jumped out of the car, and raced towards Thomas. Thomas's eyes widened, and he ran with his lap top under his arm pit like a football.

The woman tackled him, and Thomas's computer smashed on the ground. "What the heck?" Thomas yelled.

"We need you to come with us," The woman hissed in his ear. "My name is Emma, and this is my assistant, Luke. We have a job offer for you, and we need you to come with us."

She pulled Thomas off of the ground, and shoved him into the van. "What're you doing?" Thomas asked. "HELP, HELP!" No one came though. Emma closed the doors to the van.

"Luke," She snapped, "Drive."

Emma grabbed Thomas's wrists, and tied them behind his back with a fringed rope. Thomas struggled, but the rope only burned his wrists. "Who are you?" Thomas asked, "What do you want?"

"Hush," Emma smiled.

"HELP, HELP!" Thomas screamed.

"Shut him up," Luke ordered.

Emma tied a robe around his mouth, making him bite down on it. Then Emma searched through Thomas's bag. She held up the hundred dollar bill. "What do you need this for?" Emma smirked. Thomas was going to answer, but the rope burned in his mouth.

Then Emma picked up Thomas's computer. It was crushed. The top of the lap top was hanging from the key board. "My heybod," Thomas mumbled.

"Well that sucks," Emma sighed.

"We'll buy you a new one," Luke promised. Thomas hung his head and shook it slightly. They didn't understand. He had so many files on that computer. He could be a millionaire. Now he couldn't though.

Emma leaned forward, and patted his pockets. Thomas squirmed under her touch. When she found his phone, she held it up with a triumphant smile. "My Ma and Da," Thomas mumbled through the rope.

"Don't worry," Emma smiled, "Someone contacted them to let them know that you're alright."

Thomas let out a small sigh. He slumped against the side of the van. Thomas spit out the rope. "Who are you people," He gasped.

"Emma and Luke," Emma shrugged.

"What do you want?" Thomas growled. "I didn't do anything, I swear."

"Thomas," Emma smiled, "We know about everything you've done."

Thomas's eyes widened. Emma smiled again, and sat in the front of the car. When she wasn't looking, Thomas slowly pulled his hands out of the rope. When his hands were free, he looked around.

On the side of the van was a piece of wood. Thomas slowly crawled over. He grabbed the piece of wood. As he crept closer and as he did he could Emma and Luke whispering to each other. "This was too easy," Luke grumbled.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"There was a reason the boss sent two of us," Luke answered, "Because he's a boy and stronger then the girls. He was supposed to fight back more." What girls? Thomas thought.

"I just have a way with words," Emma shrugged. Then Thomas struck her on the head with the piece of wood. She slumped over in her seat, and her head started to bleed.

Thomas started to panic. His eyes grew wide, and he slowly backed away. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" Luke yelled. He skidded the car to a stop, and Thomas took his chance.

He jumped out of the car, and started running. Thomas remembered all of those times that his parents had sat him down and told him sternly what to do if someone ever tried to take him. So Thomas screamed, "Help, help," As loud as he could.

"Thomas!" Luke yelled, "Get back here!"

Luke had gotten out of the car, and was racing towards Thomas. Thomas started freaking out. Then Luke tackled him. They wrestled onto the ground until Thomas couldn't breathe anymore. He tried to call help over and over again until someone came, but now Thomas was gasping for air.

Thomas lay on the road, gasping for air. He had given up. Luke was clearly stronger and faster. Thomas was no match for him. Thomas was better at the computer then in a wrestle.

So when it was clear that Thomas had given up, Luke punched him in the face. "Emma better not be dead," Luke growled, punching Thomas in the face again.

"I guess I deserved that one," Thomas muttered.

Luke slammed his knuckles into his jaw. Thomas groaned loudly, and tried to roll away but Luke just slammed him back into the ground. "I'm not through with you yet," Luke shouted.

"What?" Thomas whispered.

Luke didn't answer though. Instead he continued to slam his fists into Thomas's face. Then in his stomach. When he was finished, Luke stood up. "Get up," He ordered.

"What?" Thomas repeated.

"I said get up," Luke yelled.

So on shaky legs, Thomas stood up. He spit blood onto the ground. Thomas stared at it with wide eyes. "Look at me," Luke ordered. When Thomas just continued to look at the ground, Luke yelled, "LOOK AT ME!"

Thomas looked up carefully.

"Yell for help again," Luke whispered, "And I'll break your jaw."

Thomas gulped.

"Try to run away," Luke continued, "And I'll break your legs. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Thomas didn't answer. "DO YOU?" Luke yelled.

"Yes," Thomas answered.

"Then get in the van," Luke growled. Thomas hung his head, and slowly walked to the van. When he wasn't going fast enough, Luke shoved him to make him go faster.

When Thomas was in the trunk of the van, Luke pushed Thomas down. Thomas hit the back of his head against the side, and moaned. Luke roughly grabbed Thomas's wrists, and tied them tighter then Emma did. Then Luke grabbed the other robe, and tied it around Thomas's head tightly. The only way to make it stop hurting a little was to hold the rope in his mouth.

Thomas's cheeks burned. His wrists burned. Thomas just wanted to go home. "Let mhe go," Thomas begged through the rope he was biting on.

Luke leaned down with the plank of wood in his hands. "Now," Luke whispered, "Why on Earth would I let you go?"

"Pahese?" Thomas begged. Luke gave an evil smile. Then he pointed to the slumped Emma with the plank.

"Yeah right," Luke sneered. Then he got up to make sure Emma was alright.

When Luke wasn't looking, Thomas leaned his head back and whimpered a little. He knew that he was trapped, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. Thomas had spent too much time at the computer instead of training to become stronger. And now, it was too late, and there was nothing Thomas could do.

Luke got back in the driver seat as Emma slowly started to wake up. She cursed when she felt the big bump forming at the back of her head. Luke and Emma both looked back at Thomas, and gave him an evil glare.

Then Luke started the car up, and he continued to drive. Emma faced Thomas the whole way to make sure he didn't do anything. There wasn't anything for Thomas to do though, so there was really no point in Emma watching him, but he couldn't tell her that. Not yet.

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