Taking Money Ch. 26

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A little insight on Kacie's mind XD

ill be posting again 2morro! the nxt chapter wld have 2 be my favorite XD <333 hahahahah

let me kno wat u think? thanks! cheesehead

Chapter Twenty Six


            Cass was pissed. She was so pissed Kacie could practically see steam coming out of her ears. After she stormed out of the building Carson quickly followed after her. Thomas and Kacie looked at each other. He shrugged his shoulders as his hand found hers and they walked towards the car.

            Kacie was still wondering when Thomas would get the chance or muster up the courage to kiss her. She had heard him talking earlier with Cass about it, and now she was anxiously waiting.

            Thomas and Kacie followed Cass and Carson to the car. Cass had her arms crossed as she waited for Thomas to open the car door. "Cassie," Carson sighed.

            "Don't talk to me," Cass growled. Then she turned to Thomas. "Can I drive, please? It will get my mind off of everything."

            "Sure," Thomas nodded, digging in his pockets for his keys. When he got them, he tossed them to Cass. She quickly opened the car door and got in the driver's seat.

            "Go sit next to her," Kacie encouraged Carson.

            "I don't know," He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I really messed up, guys."

            "We know," Thomas smirked, "But just try to make things better."

            "I do try," Carson snapped, "I just tried!"

            "Try harder," Kacie insisted. Carson sighed and ran a hand through his hair again before walking around the other side of the car. Cass was faced forward with her hands on her wheel, so she hadn't noticed.

            "Should we give them time?" Kacie asked.

            "No," Thomas sighed, "We need to get out of here! We have a long ride home."

            Kacie nodded her head and got in the car. Cass and Carson were already fighting. Well Kacie guessed this time it was more like bickering. She slid into the back seat with Thomas following closely behind her. "Come on Cassie," Carson pleaded.

            "Stop. Talking. To. Me." Cass spat, gripping the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles were turning white.

            "Go ahead and drive, Cass," Kacie told her.

            Cass started the car, and then started driving. Kacie put the bag of money in the backseat with the others, and rested underneath the arm Thomas put around her. 

            The car ride became long and painful. Cass refused to talk to anyone, Carson only wanted to talk to Cass, and Thomas fell asleep with his head on the window. Cass still gripped the steering wheel tightly, her mouth set in a tough scowl.

            Carson turned around. "What do I do??" He mouth.

            "I don't know," Kacie shrugged.

            Carson sighed again. He looked out the window and then looked back at her with a small smile on his face. Kacie pulled my eyebrows together and gave him a questioning look. Carson looked out the window. "Tennessee," He whispered.

            Kacie couldn't help but smile too. She looked at Cass and noticed her eyes softening a little.  "Colorado," Kacie continued for him, looking out the window.

            "Georgia," Carson chuckled, watching a car drive by.

            Kacie watched as Cass looked out the window too. "WHOA!" She gasped, "What the heck is New Jersey doing all the way down here?"

            Carson looked over at her and smiled widely. "I don't know," He muttered, "And I don't know if we ever will."

            Cass shot him a look. "Just because you started my favorite road game doesn't mean I forgive you," She growled.

            Kacie couldn't help but chuckle at that. Cass shot her a look through the mirror and then continued driving. Thomas yawned loudly and sat up. "Cass, it's getting late," He muttered, "Let's pull over and stop at that motel that's coming up."

            "I'm fine," Cass spat.

            "Please?" Thomas insisted, "You're angry and tired, Cass, and we are all worn out. We have enough money left, so it's not that big of a deal. Come on."

            "But," Cass started.

            "Please Cass?" Kacie interjected.

            "Sure," Cass grumbled, "Side with him." Kacie ignored that comment, because Cass was tired and cranky and she wouldn't be saying this stuff if she wasn't. Cass pulled into the motel parking lot, turned the car off, and then stormed into the motel.

            "Great," Carson groaned, rubbing his hands over his face.

            "You'll be fine," Thomas laughed, patting Carson on the shoulder, before dragging Kacie out of the car. She giggled, and held onto Thomas's had tighter. By the time we got inside, the clerk said Cass had already gotten us a room. She showed us where it was and gave us an extra room key.

            Carson traveled behind us, but not too far behind. His hands were jammed into his pockets and his head was hung low. Kacie gripped tighter to Thomas, not wanting to let him go, as we walked further down the halls. When we finally got to the door, Cass was nowhere to be seen.

            "I'm going to go look for her," Carson volunteered, dumping the important stuff he was holding on the floor, and then quickly left the room.

            Kacie started unpacking.

            "Kace," Thomas muttered.

            "Hmm?" She asked, not looking up from the stuff. Thomas's warm hand touched her arm and she lightly looked up. Thomas was standing right next to her. He was really close. "Yes?" Kacie whispered, straightening up and looking up at Thomas.

            "I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner," He whispered. Kacie was about to ask what he meant, when suddenly his lips crushed hers. Shivers went down her spine as she looped her arms around his neck and clung to him tighter.

            Thomas put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer. His tongue slid across her bottom lip, and Kacie quickly opened up to him. She wasn't sure how long they had been kissing, but Kacie knew that when Thomas pulled away she still wanted more. Kacie bit her bottom lip and tried to suppress a smile. "That okay?" Thomas asked, giving her a shy smile.

            "More than okay," Kacie giggled, before pressing her lips to his again. This time Thomas hungrily kissed her back, after he knew it was alright to kiss her. Kacie smiled against his lips, and tried as she hard as she could not to think about what would happen if this was all over.

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