Taking Money Ch. 25

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Hey guys:) Let me know what you think please! Personally I like this chapter bc i LOVVVVE Carson;) ahhahahaha but other then that let me kno wat u think? Please? thanks!

keep writing!


Chapter Twenty Five

          "Okay, this one will probably be the easiest to get into," Thomas muttered, looking at his computer and the paper work around him.

          "Why?" Kacie asked. She was kneeling really close to him. I smiled and turned around in my seat. We were parked across the street and some way down from the last bank.

          "They only have security," Thomas shrugged, "About ten guards. There's also an alarm system near the safe."

          "Then you're wrong," I sighed, "We don't have Carson to fight off the guards."

          "Carson was never here," Thomas and Kacie responded. I kept referring to Carson, so it became habit for that to be their response. They didn't even look up from their work to answer. I sighed.

          "Well then what are we going to do?" I asked.

          "I've seen you fight," Thomas smirked, "You could take them down."

          "But not like Carson," I challenged.

          "Carson was never," Thomas and Kacie both started.

          "Here, here, I get it," I grumbled, "Then how are we going to do this?"

          "You're going to go in and fight," Thomas explained, "And Kacie and I will turn off the alarm and get the money from the safe."

          I cracked my knuckles out of a nervous habit. "I don't know," I whispered.

          "You can do this, Cass," Kacie insisted, "I know you can. You're smart, strong, and have a fire in you that will make things work for the best."

          "Not helping," I murmured.

          "Well what do you want me to say?" Kacie asked. In truth I wanted her to say something like Carson said to me in the beginning.

          "I need you to tell me to relax," I murmured, "And that we're all in this together, no matter what."

          Kacie smiled, though she didn't recognize who I got the words from. "You need to relax Cass," She smiled, "Because we're all in this together, and I don't want you ever to forget that."

          I smiled at her. "Okay," I whispered, "I can do this. I can do this."

          It was already dark out, so we decided it would be best if we acted now. We were all dressed in black with black caps on our heads. They had video cameras in this place, so we would roll the hats down like ski masks.

          I could hear Kacie murmuring words to herself in some different language. Thomas held some paper work in his head and was murmuring the combination to the safe quietly. I cracked my knuckles again as we snuck into the building.

          We quietly walked down the hall; I was first, then Thomas, and then finally Kacie at the end. "This is it Cass," Thomas whispered, "You've got this."

          I pulled the mask over my face before spinning around the corner. My fists were raised to my face and I was ready for any kind of fight. What was in front of me, surprised the crap out of me though.

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