Chapter 15

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Andrew's Pov

I know Jackson is my friend, but I hate him. He's taking Crystal away from me. Even though her friend, Rachel? Is really pretty, but I don't think she would ever like someone like me.

My thoughts are getting in the way of finding someone other than Crystal. I can see how much she loves him, she doesn't know it yet, and I know I can't get in between that so I will have to face my fears.

Walking over to Rachel I ask to see her privately. "You wanted to talk?" She's so pretty, I could get lost in her eyes all day. I must look like a creep now for how long I was staring at her without saying anything.

"Sorry, I just, I can't do it." I give up trying to ask her out. She just makes me so nervous that I can't do anything around her without messing up.

" to ask me out?" I blushed at what she had said. Wait? BLUSHED? When have I ever blushed?

"Yea. You don't have to if you don't want to." I say dejectedly, "I'll understand."

"Idiot, I was going to say yes." YES! SHE SAID YES!

"HA! You owe me 50 bucks Penton." Crystal? They bet on me?

"You guys did a bet?" I asked them, "and you were listening in on our private conversation?" Man, why am I acting so different today?

"Yea, sorry man." Penton said. "I kind of thought you wouldn't have the guts to ask out little R here." He said pointing to my, now, girlfriend. Girlfriend? Seriously what is wrong with me today.

"I thought you would get the guts to ask since you are a 'man' as you say." Crystal put emphasis on the word man.

"Hey! I'm still here people, and so are they." My girl, yea I'll go with that, said while motioning to everyone else.

"Well I'll see you guys later during school. BYE!" I wave and start running off into the direction of my house.

Jackson's Pov

This is my chance.

"Hey...Crystal? Will you go out with me?" I ask, now thinking that this was a horrible idea. "Never mind. You probably wouldn't want to anyway. I wouldn't have a chance to. I bet a bunch of people are already asking you out. I'm probably not what you want-" I was cut off by someones lips attaching themselves to mine. Knowing it's Crystals, I go and kiss back, closing my eyes. In my mind it feels like thousands of fireworks are going off. I've never had something that felt as good as that before.

"You didn't let me answer your question." Crystal started laughing at my flushed face, "and I would've said yes. Jackson, I would love to go on a date with you." Smiling, I look over to everyone else, annnnd...they're all glaring at me. Yay.

"I'm sorry. I should have asked you guys first, but I couldn't wait any longer." I say quickly. Hoping that they will go easy on me.

What I did expect was for them to come and beat me up, not for them to come up and give me a hug. In the process of squishing Crystal. "I'll pick you up Friday. Is that ok?" I'm not entirely sure when shes free, so I don't really want to look like a fool if she can't do it that day.

"Yeah, I'm free that day." Whew, *Wipes sweat off forehead*, I'm so glad. "Oh, and classy or casual?" I know the perfect thing.

"Casual, and make sure you feel comfortable in it. Don't want to make you feel uncomfortable on our first date now would we?" I more like stated than asked her.

Now I have to plan a date for the upcoming Friday.

This is going to be the best date ever. I hope I do this right. I need to ask Jake what he thinks of this considering his job is to help with this type of stuff.

Yea I know all about how he gets people together. Yet, I don't think he was expecting his younger cousin getting asked out while he was here.

"We're here Jackson. I'll see you tomorrow for our project that we need to finish." I gave Crystal a confused look until I realized that I forgot all about our Science project. We are almost done so that's good...awesome.

"I totally forgot about that. Sorry." I mumbled, embarrassed about what just happened.

"Haha, it's ok Jacky. There's nothing to be embarrassed about with me, the person you just asked out, and your girlfriend." This is why I love her. Crystal's and understanding with things.

"I love you." I didn't stop myself in time for me to keep that in. "I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry. I don't care if you think it's too early for that. I understand if you want to cut off the date-" Once again I was cut off by Crystals lips on mine.

"Stop apologizing to me. I don't care, cause I love you too." Wow, I did not expect that.


At least I got the one I love all to myself.

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