Chapter 10

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-Antonio's Pizzeria, 5 o'clock

-Can do, see you there

Aria sent that text to the number Luke gave her after he agreed to be her dance partner just 3 days ago. After a quick chat to find a time to sit down and discuss further they agreed to Tuesday in the afternoon once both of them were out of classes for a little bit.

Pacing around she looks back over to her friends in the booth. Talking amongst themselves as they figure out what to order. "Hey Ar, what kind of pizza do you think he likes?" asks Donny.

"How the fuck should I know?!" Checking her phone for the millionth time since they all got there, she sees it's 2 minutes till 5

"Damn girl, chill. What's up your ass?" Asks Gemma, throwing a balled up straw wrapper at Adrian which landed in his hair.

"Sorry, i'm just really nervous. Everything rides on him doing this. I just hope he doesn't change his mind."

"You said it yourself. He agreed and wants the scholarship too. I saw you guys dance before. You two work well together. Some fine tuning and our help, there is no way you won't at least make it to the finales." assures Derek

"You think?"

"I know, we all know. Now, stop pacing, sit that pretty little ass down, and wait for him to get here like a normal person. I doubt he is gunna show up right on the dot. Give him a few minutes. Maybe there was traffic or he couldn't find his left shoe. Chill out alright?" Leaning back in his spot, Derek takes a sip of his drink.

Looking between the door and her friends Aria sighs "alright fine, I'll-" suddenly the bell over the door rings and Aria whips around to see Luke walk in looking down at his phone. "Luke!" Looking up startled from the sudden exclamation, he smiles towards Aria and walks over.

"Hey, sorry i'm a little late." Feeling the weight of the world lifted off her shoulders just having him there, she smiles back.

"No, it's alright, we weren't waiting long." Confusion crosses his face. " 'we?' who is we?"

"Oh! Right you never met them yet. The Dance Clan. There my friends over in the booth, come on I'll introduce you to everyone." Walking over to her friends she sees the guys discreetly sizing him up for any signs of a threat to the group while the girls checked him out. Aria couldn't fault her friends, he is a sight to see. Following behind her in jeans, and a white t-shirt that accentuates his muscles she can't help but imagine being in his arms again. Snapping out of her daze she steps up to the booth and takes a seat.

"Ok so we have Cece and Derek who are partners, then Ceces brother Adrian with Gemma and last but not least my old partner before he broke his leg Donny. Guys, this is Luke." Watching everyone for the reactions, for the most part the Clan seems alright. Luke however looks confused as to why they are here.

"You two are still friends after what happened?" he asks while motioning to Donny.

"Well yeah, just cause he broke his leg doesn't mean we're not gunna be friends anymore. I mean come on he helps pay rent with me since we live together." Not understanding what he is getting at.

"So... let me get this right. You are friends with your ex-boyfriend and brought me here to meet these other couples because?..."

"Woah woah you guys dated? How come we never heard about that?"

"Ew! we are not a couple"

"Hey I resent that"

"We never dated"

"Can we please order already?"

"Yeah I didn't catch any of that." States Luke staring at everyone else at the booth.

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