Chapter 3

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Shawn's POV (4 Years later)

Leaving Skylar like that was the hardest thing that I've ever had to do.. But I had to do it for me.

At the beginning, we talked just about everyday and would FaceTime every night. But the calls became shorter and the closeness started to fade away slowly.

It's been 4 years since I've talked to her last.. I feel bad, but I've been busy and she hasn't even made an effort to call me.

We're not even together anymore.

God. Just saying that to myself makes my heart hurt. I loved that girl with all my heart, but now we're both on to bigger and better things.

Skylar graduated high school early and is now living her dream as a pediatric dentist

"Ewww you want to be a dentist? That's gross! And you want to work on kid's teeth! Even worse!" 

"Hey that's not very nice..." She would pout at me, "Actually, adult's teeth are worse because they're old and are decaying." She stuck her tongue out at me and continued to pout.

"Awww ok, I'm sorry baby." 

"It's ok, let's go get some food!" She giggled and grabbed my hand, leading the way

Man how I loved that laugh.

I am currently in a relationship with a girl named Stephanie. She's okay, I wouldn't marry her though... no offense.

Stephanie has an attitude. If things don't go her way, then she's upset. If things aren't up to par for her, then she's upset. I hate dramatic people like that. But my parents really like her and I just want to make them happy

I am one of the best selling artists right now, I'm doing even better than Justin Bieber... That's impressive.

I always wonder if Sky has seen me perform... I bet she has, I'm like everywhere.

I was sitting in my daydream, when I hear the horse start to speak to me.

"Shaaaaawn! Can you take me shopping? I need some new clothes."

"Go shopping with whose money?" I ask her knowingly

"Uhh your's duh!" She chuckles ugly, she has horse teeth.

"Naaay-" I start as  I begin to think I'm talking to an actual horse, but quickly stop my self, "No we're not. You have money, go by yourself." I said harshly and walked away from her 

But she galloped after me

"Shawn why don't you love me anymore?!" She yells

"Ohh doll, you've got me confused with one of the other men on your list. I never loved you. I'm just with you because I feel sorry for you. Now get away from me. While you're out shopping go get a set of braces, you need them." I said rudely and walked to my bedroom.

I wasn't letting the fame get to my head was I?

A/N: Ohhh yes Shawn you really are! How do you guys feel about the way he treated Stephanie? I low key thought it was funny! But comment what you think! Thanks for reading.


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