Chapter 7

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Shawn's POV

Skylar and I were at my apartment talking when she started to open up to me about her relationship with Harry.

"I don't know how Harry could've known that I was at the mall! He has been acting different lately... McKenzie as well.. She wouldn't tell him would she? Noo, she wouldn't. Maybe it was one of the fans who got pictures with me." She was expressing to me

"I've never seen him act like this before. There is a bruise forming on my wrist where he grabbed me!" 

"Are you sure this isn't the first time he's acted like this?" I asked her

"He's been staying out late at night, but I never suspect anything because I trust him ya know?" She avoided my question completely.

She kept going on and on about her relationship until she just went silent.

"You know that night you left.. I was tossing and turning thinking about what I could've done better in our relationship so we could've ended on a better note or even better, stayed together." She looked down at her hands as silent tears started to roll down her cheeks

As I went to start talking, she continued.

"And no, this isn't the first time he's put his hands on me... He never hit me I promise, he just grabs me and flings me around the house" She whispered.

"Skylar you don't deserve that! You need to leave him!" I exclaimed

"I've tried. He just gets angry and forces me to stay. He's gonna kill me when I get home." She sounded terrified.

"You're not going home. Not today, tomorrow, never. I will not let you get treated like this!" I told her.

"Shawn you don't understand, the house is in my name. I have to go back." She says

"No, I'll pay it off and get him out of there." I tell her and we fall into another long silence.

This time its me to start the conversation,

"It was never your fault that we broke up Sky.. we were perfect, there was nothing that we could've changed. I just.. You notice how we ended up not talking.. I didn't want that to happen and we still be together." I explained and we went back to silence.

"Who is Stephanie.." Skylar asked out of no where

"Oh... She's just a friend." I lie slightly

"Tell me the truth Shawn." Sky could always see right through me.

"She's my ex. I just broke up with her a couple days ago." I told her honestly.

"Oh ok..." 

Skylar stood up and walked toward my kitchen to get some food. She got out the ingredients to make some brownie and I sat and watched in silence.

When she was done, we ate them and talked about our lives. She told me about her dentistry and I told her about my up and rising career.

After a while we were sitting in a comfortable silence when I decided to confess my feelings.

"I still love you babe"

Skylar looked at me in awe before she answered,

"I still love you too"

A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, lot's of drama! Love y'all!


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