Chapter 10

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Skylar's POV

I am currently sitting in my bed, looking at the ceiling as I think about what happened a few days ago.

I haven't spoken to Harry or Shawn in almost a week, but they continue to blow up my phone.

Shawn came by a couple of times, but I never let him in.

I was too heart broken.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to do my hair and get dressed. I was going back to work today. Owning my Dentistry makes it easier to set my schedule whenever I want.

I brushed through my curly hair and put on some comfortable clothes.

When I was done, I grabbed my keys to my new car that I bought out of sadness and drove the long drive to work.

I walked into the office and went to my first patient who was a 6 year old girl, she seemed really scared.

"Hello Ms. Avery!" I said looking at the customized board with her name written on it, "How are you today?" I asked with enthusiasm.

"Good..." She said nervously, looking at all of the utensils that I was going to be using.

"Hello, are you mom?" I asked the lady sitting on the other side of the room, typing on her phone. She seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Uhh ya. I am." She said and put her phone away and looked up at me, "I'm Stephanie Manders" 

My eyes widened in realization and hers did as well

"You're Shawn's ex?" we asked at the same time

"Yes I am" we said again

We sat in an awkward silence until I snapped back into what I was supposed to be doing.

"Alrighty Ms. Avery, we are just going to clean your teeth today. Nothing bad or scary I promise!"

After cleaning the girl's teeth, I gave her a goody bag and sent them on their way

I turned around turned around to go to my office when I was stopped by Stephanie.

"You better not try to take Shawn from me b****" she says and tries to scare me

"Your daughter is waiting ma'am" I said with a smile and turned around

Later that day when I got back home and was preparing dinner, there was a knock at the door.

I walked over and looked in the peephole to see McKenzie.

"What do you want hoe?" I said through the door

"Sky please let me come in and tell you the story." She said sadly

"Ohhh I think Santa forgot one of his hoes, let me go call him for you." I said being petty

"Skylar please!" She begs

Do I really need to know the tea? I asked myself and decided to let her in, but grabbing my baseball bat first

"Try something hoe and you'll get beat." I told her and sat across from her on the couch

"Well Harry and I'd been talking since y'all got together, but it was nothing sexual yet. But I knew I really wanted him, but knew that he would never cheat on you. So one night while you were at work I drugged him." She says and my eyes widened

"But I told him the next day! He was mad and didn't talk to me for a while. I think the drugs had an after affect on him and his attitude started changing. He was aggressive and mean. So that day at the mall I called him and he was just so angry." I was in awe of this story

"Then the night that we had another affair, I didn't drug him, but he was just so angry with me for making him turn out like that. He's in the hospital now getting a detox. He told them everything and I may go to jail for it, but I don't know yet."

I was at a loss for words. 

She drugged my boyfriend.

Now he's in the hospital.

My ex-friend could be going to jail.

"Whelp I think Santa is here to collect you. And the police to take your low life ass to jail. You are just selfish McKenzie, you knew that after Shawn left I was heart broken for 5 years. And when I finally find someone who I like your slutty ass has to come and take that away from me. I hate you and I hope you rot in prison for what you've done."

"Sky I-I know you don't mean that" She says as tears prick her eyes

"Oh hoe I really do, now get out of my house before I beat you." I say and point to the door.

She looks at me sadly one last time before leaving.

A/N: Happy Memorial Day! Wow the true story came out. What do you think, should Skylar give him a second chance? Or was he completely at fault for what he did? Let me know what you think in the comments.


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