Chapter 15

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I reached over Shawn's shoulder, retrieving my drink from the bartender and walked back to the table where Neels sat.

I took a seat next to him and across from Shawn and started talking to Neels, completely ignoring Shawn, glancing flirtatiously over at him every once and a while.

After a few minutes of teasing Shawn got fed up and angrily left the table, leaving the rest of us surprised.

"What's wrong with him?" Kade asked

"Yea what's wrong with him?" Logan asked

"Oh my gosh who is that?" Some random girl asked

"Oh my gosh who is that?" Some random girl asked

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"I'll go talk to him." I told them after no one could find Camila, pulling my dress down and going to find the tall brunette.

I finally found him standing outside waiting for an Uber I guess. I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, only for him to pull away.


"Are you okay?" I asked him genuinely

"Go ask Neels." 

"Why? I'm asking you." I crossed my arms, testing him

Shawn looked over at me angrily before grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side of the club.

"I am very possessive as you know. I don't like people messing with what's mine." 

"But I'm not yours anymore Shawn! So you have no right to run away like a baby because you don't get your way! You don't know who I am remember! You forgot about me. So don't start with the possessive shit because it doesn't apply to me anymore. You have Camila." 

"Are you blind?! I still love you Skylar! I have and I always will! I could never forget about you. Don't forget that it wasn't me who caused us to break up. You were the one who cut me off after that asshole cheated on you! I was the one who tried to save you from the heartache, but you were too stupid to see it." he yells

"Yes I know that Shawn! And I live with that everyday that I see you and Camila together, but please know that I did it for myself, not anyone else. And you have no right to judge me on the decisions I make." I yelled back

Shawn was about to say more, but we were interrupted.

"Shawn are you okay?" Camila rounded the corner and took Shawn's face in her hands, making him look down at her.

"Yea. Perfectly fine. Sarah- I mean Skylar and I were just talking." He pulled her hands off of his face and looked over at me before taking Camila's hand and taking her back inside.

I stood there and watched them walk away, thinking about what Shawn just said. 

I can't deal with this anymore.

I can't deal with him anymore.

It's too much.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed!


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