Chapter 1

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I present to you, Chapter 1~ Enjoy

"I-i like you.."

A petite shy girl confessed to a guy with jet black hair.

"Ok...So what should I do?" The young man said, looking bored.

"What do you mean?" The girl looked up at the guy, tears starting to well up.

Students started crowding all around them as this was a rare sight. The most beautiful girl in school, Kim Soojin was confessing to a guy for the first time and the guy was none other than the school's trouble maker, Park Jimin.

"Ok, I'll make it clear. You're not pretty nor charming. I don't like you. " Jimin said as he looked at Soojin with a cold gaze.

Students started chattering with each other due to the shock. Who would reject the most beautiful girl in school?

As more tears started to well up in Soojin's brown orbs, she ran as she felt embarassed. Little did she know, one of her best friends were in the crowd.

"Soojin! SOOJIN-AH!" A deep voice rang around the halls.

Soojin turned to look at who was the person who called her and it was no other than her guy best friend, Kyo Takamaki.

"Kyo!" Soojin ran to her best friend's arms as more tears started to flow down her face.

"Stop crying now. It's fine, I'm here." Kyo comforted Soojin until she calmed down

After she calmed down, they went to their school's rooftop.

"I'll go home already. I don't have the energy to stay here longer." Soojin said while looking at the distance

"Let me guess. You'll skip school for a few days?" Kyo looks at her with worried eyes. Soojin just nods.

"Ok then. Go already. Take care." Kyo said as they were both waving each other goodbye.


1 week passed, but there were still no signs of Soojin going back to school. Everything was the same even in their class.

"Our baby~ Did you drink your milk already?" A girl asked to a guy who was talking to Kyo.

"Ahhhh! Noona, I'm not a baby!" The guy whined as the female just laughed it off and went away.

This guy was the school's heartthrob, Jeon Jungkook. Since he was the youngest or the maknae, in their class he was always treated as a baby. As he was the school's heartthrob, girls swooned all over him all the time.

"Ahhhh..I want to find a girlfriend!" Jungkook exclaimed while slumping to his desk.

"There's a lot of girls that like you, why don't you date one of them?" Kyo asked while eating a bag of chips.

"Nah. It's hard to choose the right person. In Rainbow Six Siege terms, it's like trying to defuse a bomb, but you don't know where it is. It's there, but you don't know where." Jungkook said while giving a big sigh.

"Then why don't you use your drone to search for the bomb? I'll be your drone." Kyo exclaimed while looking at Jungkook.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked while raising an eyebrow

"I'll introduce you to a girl I know. See if she's the one. Confirm the bomb's location." Kyo said half-assed.

Jungkook took time thinking about it until he finally agreed. Kyo was taken aback as he didn't know Jungkook would agree to his request. Kyo regretted his decision, as he himself likes the girl.

"So when can I meet her?" Jungkook said looking kind of excited

"I'll talk to her first, then I'll just tell you when you'll meet her." Kyo said feeling kind of sad.


Kyo went towards a huge house before going to his house. As he rang the doorbell he felt kind of nevous even though he's been in this house a million of times.

"Who's that?" A familiar voice rang out of the receiver

"Seokjin hyung, it's me, Kyo!"

The gate then opened which led to a huge frontyard. Kyo went in the door which led inside the house itself.

"Kyo! How have you been?" A caring voice exclaimed while the person was nearing Kyo.

"I've been well ma'am. How about you ma'am?" Kyo asked politely as he was talking to Soojin's mom

"Oh! I've been well too. Are you here for Soojin?" She asked 

"Yes. I came here to talk to her and give her the notes from school." Kyo answered politely

"Well then, go to her room, I'll prepare something to eat for you two." Soojin's mom said while she made her way to the kitchen.

Kyo made his way to the 1st floor where Soojin's room was. It's been a while since he's been there but nothing changed at all. While reminiscing about his memories with Soojin, he eventually reached Soojin's room.

"Soojin-ah, can I enter?" Kyo asked while knocking quietly to not disturb Soojin.

"Yeah! You can come in." Soojin exclaimed

Kyo entered the room and saw Soojin in front of her computer working on a song.

"Working on a new song?" Kyo said while sitting on Soojin's bed.

"Yeah. I'll just finish this quick and we can talk." Soojin said with no emotion

Kyo stared at Soojin, the light from her computer screen illuminating her face. Her face showed no emotion.

She changed

After she turned off her computer she looked at Kyo.

Her eyes are cold

"So what did you want to tell me?" Soojin said, no feelings evident in her voice

She lost weight. Her aura.....changed

"Here's the notes." Kyo said while handing her a file. "And I have a favor to ask you." He said while looking at Soojin's eyes

"What is it?" Soojin said coldly and looked at Kyo

"I want you to meet someone."


That's it for chapter 1. I hope you liked it. I'm still trying to improve my writing skills day by day so I hope you bear with me. I will gladly take advices about writing from you all. I'll try to post as much as I can. LOVE YOU ALL~


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