Chapter 14

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Jungkook ran to Soojin who was holding Kyo in her frail arms.

"Kyo! Wake up! Kyo!" Soojin screamed as she shook Kyo.

The basketball team stopped practice and all bystanders who were watching them fell silent. Everyone saw the situation unfold.

"Let's bring him to the hospital. Fast!" Jungkook said as he carried Kyo while Soojin ran behind him.

After a few minutes in the taxi, they arrived at the hospital.

"I'll just go get my treatment, stay here with Kyo." Soojin said as she struggled breathing as they ran a lot.

Soojin left Kyo and Jungkook. Jungkook sat outside of the ER while Kyo was getting check-ups done.

"Excuse me, sir? Are you the guardian of Mr. Kyo Takamaki?" A nurse asked as she approached Jungkook.

"Yes, I am." Jungkook replied while standing up.

"Well, I'm here to deliver good news. He's completely fine and he just fainted from the shock. He's awake now." The nurse said as she excused herself.

Upon hearing the good news, Jungkook went straight to where Kyo was and saw him talking to a doctor.

"Hyung! Are you alright? Do you feel pain somewhere?" Jungkook asked as he sat beside Kyo.

"No, I'm totally fine. And well I'm thankful I got hit by the ball." Kyo said while smiling.

"Huh? Why?" Jungkook asked while frowning

"I remember you know. All those missing pieces are finally back and the picture is complete." Kyo replied

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and took out his phone to call Soojin.

"Kyoo! Are you fine? Does it hurt anywhere?" Soojin said as she touched Kyo's head.

"I'm fine, Soojin-ah. I'm completely fine." Kyo said as he chuckled at Soojin.

"Thank God." Soojin let out a sigh of relief and finally calmed down.


It was the day of the big game, a basketball competition between 2 schools. It was already the finals and the whole stadium was filled with spectators from different cities. Cameras were filming, people cheered, it was a very exciting day.

"We're here in this stadium to watch the battle between the two schools that reached the finals. Truly, this is a battle that every person must see. The game is starting in a bit so stay tuned." A commentator said while people cheered behind him.

Soojin and Kyo were amongst the crowd, waiting for the game to start.

"Why am I so nervous? Oh my God, my heart is beating so fast." Soojin said as she held a banner in her hands.

"Jungkook's probably more nervous than you are. He's brother is here after all." Kyo said as he patted Soojin's shoulder.

"His brother is here? I thought he was in US, what was that? Pursuing his dream in music?" Soojin said trying to remember.

"Yeah, but he heard about Jungkook's big game today so he came all the way from the US to see his brother. After all, their family name and pride are on the line. Once Jungkook loses, it's all gone. There he is." Kyo said as he pointed at Jungkook's brother who was sitting across them in the other side of the gymnasium.

"Jungkook must be so nervous...." Soojin muttered while looking at Jungkook's brother.

A commentator started commentating, signalling the start of the game. Soojin and Kyo watched as both schools finally appeared, competition in the air. The crowd went wild upon seeing both teams enter the court.

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