Chapter 13

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Kyo got discharged after a few weeks which was surprising as his injuries were severe, but the doctor mentioned that he was recovering really quickly so he was given the permission to be discharged.

"Hyung. You seriously don't remember me? My name? Everything?" Jungkook asked while pushing Kyo's wheelchair.

"Well I know your name, since you mentioned it earlier, but aside from that nope. I don't remember anything about you." Kyo said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Fine. I hope you get your memories back. Let's go in." Jungkook said as he dragged Kyo inside Soojin's house as Kyo was taller than him.

"Jungkook-ah be careful. I'll go take his wheelchair." Soojin said as she went to the frontyard and brought Kyo's wheelchair in.

"Oh you kids are here. How are you Jungkook? And how are you feeling now Kyo?" Soojin's dad said as he came from the kitchen.

"I've been well, sir. Thank you for asking." Jungkook said while bowing.

"Aigoo. You don't need to be so formal with me. And just call me abeoji (father). Hahaha." Soojin's dad said as he patted Jungkook's shoulder.

Father? Kyo thought as he looked at the two men. I, the best friend of Soojin, doesn't even call her dad, father.

"Do you boys want to eat now? The food's ready. Or do you want to play some games first?" Soojin asked as she looked at Kyo and Jungkook.

"We'll eat now. We could all play together later." Jungkook said as he once again placed Kyo on his wheelchair and went towards the dining room.

It wasn't really silent while they were eating as Soojin's dad would start up a conversation and they would continue talking.

"By the way. Jungkook-ah, do you have a girlfriend?" Soojin's dad asked bluntly

Soojin who was shocked by what her father said coughed and almost choked. Jungkook handed her a glass of water and she gladly took it.

"I don't.....Abeoji..." Jungkook said while continuing to eat his food.

"Hmm...Really? Then what do you think about Soojin?" Her dad asked.

Now it was Jungkook who got flustered and almost choked on his food.

"A-appa! Stop that. Let's just eat. This isn't a blind date." Soojin whose cheeks were flaring up said as she continued to eat.

Due to that, they ate in silence until they finished.

"Where's Seokjin-hyung?" Kyo asked while changing the channel on tv.

"Oh. He's upstairs. He'll probably come down now with a hangover. He was so drunk last night because he was with Namjoon hyung. I think Joon-hyung is also there upstairs." Soojin said as she took out some board games from one of the cabinets.

As if on cue, Seokjin was suddenly seen going down the stairs."Aish...Eomma. Can you please make hangover soup?" Seokjin said as he held his head.

"Aigoo.. That's why I tell you to not get too drunk. Sit here I already made some, I'll just heat it again." Soojin's mom said as she went in the kitchen.

"Soojin-ah! Call Joonie..... Call Namjoon..." Seokjin said as he hid his flustered face.

Joonie? The hell is that? Soojin thought as she shouted Namjoon's name from downstairs.

"Yeah yeah. I'm here." Namjoon said as he made his way down the stairs. He was still not in his right mind so he fell from the stairs but luckily he didn't fall from a high height.

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