Chapter 1

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I was walking home one day from school in the rain. "I wish I brought my umbrella with me," I thought out loud, walking down the street, soaked. I get to the café to wait until the rain stops and to warm up. I walk up to the casher and ordered some hot chocolate. Walking over to a table next to the window, I sit and take a sip of my hot beverage. Warmth starts to fill me.

A few minutes later, a boy sits at the table across from mine. He's also soaked to the skin. He's wearing a yellow hoodie and his hair is falling out of the hood that he has up. I look out the window, taking another sip. As I do so, I feel like I'm being watched. I look up at the guy. Piercing blue orbs looking at me through the tangle of wet blonde hair. His eyes reminds me of this boy from my school. The boy's name is Len. Kagamine Len. He barely has any friends. The only friends I know he has is his sister ((or mirror image)) and my big brother, Kaito.

I look back at him with my blue and purple eyes and a stern look on my face. The harder I look at him, the more I think he's Len. His cell goes off and he picks it up, checking the message. He sighs and gets up, throwing his coffee away, then leaves. As he passes the window I'm sitting at, he looks at me and walks of. Hm, I wonder what that was about. I shrug it off, just thinking that all this rain was going to my head. So I take out my homework and start to work on it.

Teto, my best friend, and also 'gossip girl' from my school, walks over and takes a seat next to me. "Oh my gosh. Did you see that guy watching you?" I nod, "Yesh, I did. It's no big deal though." "No big deal? You think it's no big deal! That's Len Kagamine!" she says to me in a screaming whisper. So it was Len after all. "So, what if it is him?" "I once heard that he gave Hatsune Miku a box of cat heads," she says. I lift an eyebrow, "Really? You really think a quiet guy like him would give her a box of cat heads?" She makes a serious face and nods. "She told me herself." "Really? You think you should really listen to her? She over exaggerates things," I roll my eyes. Teto blows some of her hair out of her face. "I guess you're right. But I still believe it's true." I chuckle under my breath, "Okay."

I look out side to see if the rain stopped. It has, so I start to pick up my belongings. "Hey, Cola. Is it okay if I stay the night?" Teto asks, helping me clean up. "It would be nice, but I can't. Tonight, Kaito is having his girlfriend over. So he doesn't really want anyone else there. Sorry," I shrug. "It's fine. Is he still dating that Meiko chick?" she asks. I nod in response. Meiko is a nice cool person, but she gets drunk a lot. I remember once in the middle of the night, she called to get a ride home from the bar because she was so drunk. I get up and leave, waving to Teto. "I'll text you later tonight!" she yells from across the street.

That One Guy Named Len Kagamine (Vocaloid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now