Chapter 11

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*~* I'm alive again!!!! wait, am I a zombie now...? MEH, MUST EAT CUPCAKES!!!! *eats you all* nope. I'm definitely not a zombie X3 *~*

At the end of the day, they send us back to our cells. I figured out that Len's cell is next to mine and Dell's is across the walk way thingy. Yay, I'm not alone.

I sit, leaning against the wall. "Hey Len?" I say. "Hm?" he answers. Good he's still awake. "How are we... ya know?" "You'll see. I have a plan. To get-" "Shut up!" I whisper yell. "Just a sec. Run when I tell you," he whispers back.

I start hearing horse breathing. Wha da heal...? Then violent coughing comes next and I hear something splatter on the floor. Um...

"Hey! What the hell are you doing!" I hear bad cop dude yell. "I need back up!" All the sudden, prison guards run past my cell to Len's. I look over at Dell, who's watching everything with big eyes.

Noise of a cell door indicates that it's opening. Then the coughing stops, and the guards are fighting, but seem to not be winning. I hear some fires being shot, and guards crumble to the ground.

Len then comes over and unlocks my cell. He grabs my hand, and tries to run, but I stop him. "Bring Dell too," I point at the said person. His eyes becomes slits, then goes and lets Dell out.

"Thanks man!" Dell says, running with us. Just as we get to the exit (wow, they need more guards) we stopped in our places gasping at the sight.

*~* BUM BUM BUMMMMM!!!! CLIFFHANGER TIME!!!! This cliffhanger... I forgot what I was going to say... IDEAS CUPCAKES OF AMERICA OR WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE!!!! *~*

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