Chapter 13

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*~* ... :( *~*

After hours of skipping, we come across an old mansion. Prefect place to hide. Walking up to the big, rusty metal doors, I knock. No one answers.

"I guess no one's home," Len opens a door. Because of the age of this place, the doors creek open. It's dark and scary inside. I coward by the entrance. I have a bad feeling about this place.

Len turns, and takes my hand, guiding me deeper into the despair of this place. He finds some big, grand stairs, and we climb them. I start to shake with fear.

We head down a huge, long hallway that has paintings and a red carpet down the middle, like a cat walk thingy. The further we go, the more scared I get. The paints start to appear ripped and covered with blood. The carpets beautiful dark red color starts to fade to any ugly red, and it's ripped from age. But the more we head down the hallway, the stronger the smell of sweets get.

"Len, I don't think this is a good idea," I whisper. "It's okay. You didn't get killed yet," he chuckles. I didn't get killed yet!? You mean we didn't get killed yet?

At the end, there is a beautiful door that's opened just a crack. You could just barely see some light coming from the room.

We creep up to the door, and open it slowly. A huge, pink bed sits in front of us. The whole room is beautiful! On the bed sits two dolls. One boy and one girl they look just like Rin and Len. Weird...

"Come on. Let's sleep," Len suggests. I yawn, "But I'm not sleepy." He chuckles, "Yeah right." He tackles me to the bed.

For a while, we have a tickle fight, with me winning. "I never knew you were so ticklish!" I laugh. "No I'm not!" he pouts, making me fall over in laughter.

When we calmed down, I lay in his arms. I completely forgot that I'm laying with a killer. But, I love him.

*~* If you didn't see already, I'm trying to put some Trick and Treat in this. I'm gonna try to put some Len and Rin series in this. Oh, and shout out to Dreamers_Forever!!!! She helped me with getting over my writer's block. Hate when it happens. So this is half and half. Half her ideas, half my ideas. *~*

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