Chapter 12

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*~* GEUST STAR TIME!!!! :P I know, you fans can NOT kill me. I'm too nice to die again! >:) -evilly laughs- *~*

We stopped in our tracks, gasping at the sight. Standing in front off us, was a huge green man with ripped purple pants. The Hulk!

"YOU NO LEAVE NOW!" he roars. I jump at his yelling. "You need a breath mint," Dell plugs his nose. This makes the green man even madder, if that's a word...

He lunges towards us, and Len grabs me, pulling me out of the way. Hulk almost lands on top of Dell, who screams and runs out the entrance. The Hulk then goes after him, yelling like a mad man with horrible grammar.

We rush out the door after him, and sneak away, while Hulk flings Dell around. Poor Dell, but I can't believe he's still alive.

I yank on Len's hand. "Len, we need to go help Dell out," I try to tug him back, but utterly fail. His face gets all red, and he starts to twitch. "It's all about Dell! DELL THIS! DELL THAT! You're mine and MINE ONLY!!!" He yanks on my hand, making me fall to the ground. "Len!" I scream. "You know what!? The hell with Dell!" he slaps me. Ouch....

As I rub the red hand mark on my face, Len goes and takes a tree limb off a near by tree. When the Hulk is nowhere to be seen, he walks over to an injured Dell. "D-dude, you came back for me?" Dell reaches out for his help. "The hell I did," the creepy grin comes back, and he pierces Dells chest with the stick. I'm shocked at what I'm seeing right now. He then keeps stabbing Dell until the bloodly screams stop.

Len just killed Dell right before me... Dell didn't deserve that, but in Len's mind, he did.

He walks over to me, splattered blood all over him. He gives me a smile, like nothing even happened, then helps me up. "You alright?" No I'm not alright! You just killed an innocent dude, for goodness sake! And you're acting like nothing ever happened!?

When we walk away from the scene, he takes my hand, and leads me back into the woods. The blood on his hands is still warm and smells. I wish he could wash his hands... But I'll have to get used to this... I guess...

After a while, Len starts to skip. This reminds me of when everything was normal, before he got all weird. He used to be a cute little shota... He didn't like it when people called him that, though. "Skip with me," he suddenly says, in an innocent voice. I stay quiet. "I said SKIP WITH ME!!!!!" he stops and puts his hands around my neck. At that moment, he lost his shotaness. I then choke out an apology, and start skipping with him. I thought I was gonna be dead!

That One Guy Named Len Kagamine (Vocaloid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now